Cacao Ceremony & The Hero’s Journey

Gerri Mana McMahon
5 min readNov 16, 2015


Wow, I am rocking and reeling as I rest my tingling and weary bones in my delumpcious bed…..

I woke up this morning not being able to breathe without intense chest pain. I felt chest pain initially this week, the day of the atrocity in Paris. The night before I’d had a night of tossing and turning, and awful dreams… I record my dreams, especially when there’s a message in them. In one, I dreamt I was killed… all day long I had deep, almost physical pain in my heart… usually at times like this I hide away and won’t go out. I sat and felt it, over and over again, releasing, releasing, releasing… then in the end I knew I had to drum up the will to go out. Glad I did as I spent it with some beautiful ‘magician’ friends… (‘magicians’ are friends who also live their lives guided by intuition, so that they create their dreams and live a pretty great life… not without its challenges, as much of the intuitive guided life is about living in the unknown…. the place that deep magic, mystery and wonder dwell)…



That brings me to the point of this post. Today I feel like I’ve been on an immense hero’s journey… so waking up with a physical pain in my heart so real, so intense that I couldn’t breathe without aching, and a feeling of a stabbing heart… along with sadness, and grief. I really thought I would have to cancel my event today — A Shamanic Cacao Ceremony… my mind started racing, would I be able to contact everyone, why did I have this, is it bronchitis (which one of my siblings happens to have, and happens to be related to ‘stuff’ and pain in the family according to Louise Hay). Anyway, my mind raced on, thinking about my flight tomorrow, and my event in Ireland and how I’d have to cancel them too, and how on earth I’d get to Spain later in the week… arraaaaaaaaaagh. I was driving myself crazy.

“… I believe that any illness is a disconnect with our spirit, and soul.”

So, I messaged a friend, asked for some healing, and went into my own process, while setting an intention to be better, connecting with my higher self and soul (as I believe that any illness is a disconnect with our spirit, and soul). I drifted into a very, deep, otherworldly sleep… when I woke up, which was the latest wake up time I allowed myself so that I’d be on time for my event, I felt better! Wow! A miracle! My friend who sent the healing was obviously very good… I SO could have stayed in bed (as I still felt like I was gathering my strength), but I went and showered and got ready, and received a message from my friend saying they’d send the healing in 30 mins (lol.. the power of the mind, as I thought it had already come, and healed me)…

So off I went to Ceremony… when I got to the venue, I was over the moon that it had been cleaned, as I was unsure if there had been definite arrangements for that to happen… I’d even brought my rubber gloves just in case I’d have to do a bit myself!

Eventually the cacao was ready (luckily I’d done a lot of the preparation the night before), and people started arriving. Ceremony started, and what can I say but wow…. it was stupendous, and powerful. Everyone set their intention, as well as me… I needed to heal that heart of mine, it felt like whatever apparent ‘illness’ I’d been experiencing was related to a global grief, sadness and fear (as well as my own)…. I felt amazing during the ceremony as I also set an intention to serve the hearts and souls of everyone there. Over my 13 year journey working with people one to one and in groups… what I found is that, when I’m ill, as soon as the session or event starts I’m totally well again! Y’see what I mean about illness being a disconnect from spirit? Does that resonate with you? When I’m serving, and doing what I love I’m TOTALLY connected and any illness/dis/ease disappears.

I feel absolutely in awe, in gratitude, and humbled at the bravery, vulnerability and strength of the hearts and spirits that sat in circle today…. the journeys, the visions, the healing, the momentum and most of all the absolute divine humanity, connection and joy when a group of people come together, in a synchronous gathering of hearts and love.

My day long hero’s journey came to a beautiful ending as I sat and had dinner with my friends and attendees — musing and focussing on perfect health …

I learned that we must engage our will, constantly to ensure that we DO create what we love.
I shudder at the thought of taking the path my ego, mind and thoughts wanted me to take when I woke up this morning feeling totally horrid…. that circle would never have been formed, those friendships not made, and existing ones not strengthened.

No more fears for me that I will be ill and will need to cancel some important events and meetings this week, because what became clear to me during the ceremony, for me in particular, was that our dreams don’t just happen… we need to constantly stir that pot, add delumpcious ingredients and make sure that we are constantly about service…. With our glass full, serving others, GO TO GLOW.

I love you.
Together we WILLLLL make this world a place of peace.

Please share your thoughts, and share this post — if someone is feeling unwell, or a bit disconnected, it might just be the message they need for their dose of magic TODAY!
Have a fantastic day!

Abraham Hicks

Originally published at Soul Discovery Coaching.



Gerri Mana McMahon

Empaths, HSPs, Old Souls - Access your "Superconscious", align with your potential, and create a fun, fulfilling life!