Data Science — starting with Python.

Gerson Marques
2 min readAug 24, 2020


This is a sequence of several posts of my journey on studies about data science. I have a degree in advertisement and worked around seven years with digital marketing, but I always loved the IT development area, now I'm moving into it. My goal is to try to teach here what I'm learning, I think that's a huge way to learn. Let's start.

Best way to learn is to teach.

Basically, Data Science is the union of three areas: computer science, math/statistics and domain/businesse knowledge, as we can se in the bellow image.


Awesome, isn’t? Since I’ve studied data science i’ve cached my self wondering how many could things I’ll be able to do.

So, everything need a start. Computer science is one of the areas of DS, and it’s also where I will start my journey, by learning Python, one of the most used language used to work with data.

I’m gonna try to study as much as I can the fundamentals of Python, I think it’s important to settle down this skills, I think it’s the base (I’m not saying Data science is just python), but I don’t want to have difficult on doing my analises and research because I’m not good with Python.

Starting in Python

There are many ways to develop in python, I choose The Jupyter Notebook. Bellow I put a video explaining how to start your first code in python with Jupiter Notebook (you can search for another tutorial videos on how to install and do your first codes in python with Jupyter Notebook on youtube)

So, to do the famous hello in python you can use the function print().

in: print('Hello world')
out: Hello world

Easy, right? What we did was to show a string. Yes, when we process a world, or a frase we call that a string.

That's all, in my next text I'm going to explain some important concepts of Python.

