How to Get a Facebook Agency Ad Account: A Step-by-Step Guide

10 min readJul 3, 2024


What is a Facebook Agency Ad Account?

A Facebook Agency Ad Account is a specialized advertising account designed for businesses and agencies to manage multiple ad campaigns on behalf of various clients. This type of account offers several advantages over standard ad accounts, particularly for those needing to manage ads at scale.

Differences from Standard Ad Accounts

When it comes to advertising on Facebook, not all ad accounts are created equal. A standard ad account is meant for individual businesses to manage their own ads. In contrast, a Facebook Agency Ad Account provides more flexibility and control.

  • Multiple Clients: Agencies can handle ad campaigns for numerous clients from a single account.
  • Higher Limits: These accounts often have higher spending and operational thresholds.
  • Advanced Support: Agencies get access to specialized Facebook support to resolve issues faster.

While the standard process is well-known, I’ve uncovered a lesser-known method that’s proven to be quicker and easier. Interested in exploring this alternative? Check out the details here.

Purpose and Benefits

So, why would an agency use a specialized ad account? The purpose of a Facebook Agency Ad Account is to streamline the process of managing ads at an enterprise level. Here are some of the key benefits:

  1. Consolidated Management: Manage all your clients’ campaigns in one place.
  2. Increased Efficiency: Allocate budgets and resources more effectively.
  3. Reduced Downtime: Enhanced support minimizes disruptions in advertising activities.

Imagine trying to manage separate ad accounts for twenty different clients. It would be like juggling a dozen puzzles at once, quite challenging, right? That’s where the Facebook Agency Ad Account makes a huge difference. It lets you see the big picture without getting bogged down in the details of individual accounts.

Photo by Pixabay

For agencies looking to grow their advertising efforts, this account type isn’t just useful — it’s almost essential. The streamlined management, higher limits, and advanced support make handling multiple clients simpler and more efficient.

Prerequisites for Obtaining a Facebook Agency Ad Account

Before diving into the world of Facebook Agency Ad Accounts, it’s essential to understand the prerequisites needed to qualify. These prerequisites ensure that only legitimate and capable agencies have access.

Business Manager Setup

First and foremost, you need to have a Facebook Business Manager account. This account acts as a central hub where you can manage pages, ad accounts, and more from one place.

Why You Need Facebook Business Manager:

  • Streamlined Management: Handle all your assets, like Pages and ad accounts, in one place.
  • Enhanced Control: Assign roles and manage permissions efficiently.
  • Better Security: Protect your business with two-factor authentication and other security measures.

Steps to Set Up Facebook Business Manager:ü

Create a Business Manager Account:

  • Go to Facebook Business Manager.
  • Click on “Create Account.”
  • Enter your business name, your name, and your business email.
  • Follow the prompts to complete the setup.

Add Your Facebook Page:

  • Go to “Business Settings.”
  • Click on “Pages” and then “Add.”
  • Choose “Add a Page” or “Create a New Page” based on your needs.

Add Ad Accounts:

  • Navigate to “Ad Accounts” in the Business Settings.
  • Click “Add” and choose to either “Add an Ad Account,” “Request Access to an Ad Account,” or “Create a New Ad Account.”

Assign Roles:

  • Assign different roles like Admin, Advertiser, or Analyst to your team members to maintain control and responsibility.

While the standard process is well-known, I’ve uncovered a lesser-known method that’s proven to be quicker and easier. Interested in exploring this alternative? Check out the details here.

Verification Requirements

Once you have your Business Manager set up, the next crucial step is verification. Facebook requires certain documents to confirm the legitimacy of your business.

Required Documents for Verification:

  • Business Registration Documents:

These could be a Business License, Certificate of Incorporation, or similar official documents that show your business is legally registered.

  • Proof of Business Address:

Provide a document such as a utility bill, lease agreement, or business bank statement that shows your business address.

  • Business Phone Number:

A valid phone number that is registered under your business name.

  • Tax Identification Number:

This can be a VAT number or Tax ID, which helps verify your business in your country.

Steps for Verification:

Start Verification:

  • Go to the Security Center in your Business Manager.
  • Click on “Start Verification.”

Provide Business Information:

  • Enter your business’s legal name, address, and phone number.

Upload Documents:

  • Upload the necessary documents like business registration, proof of address, and your tax identification number.

Submit for Review:

  • After uploading all required documents, submit your information for Facebook to review. This process can take a few days, and you’ll be notified of the outcome.

By ensuring you have a properly set-up Business Manager account and have met all verification requirements, you are well on your way to obtaining a Facebook Agency Ad Account. This will enable you to manage ads more effectively for multiple clients, enhancing your agency’s capabilities.

Photo by Angela Roma

Remember, the key to a successful application is preparation. Ensure all your documents are in order and everything is correctly set up in your Business Manager account. This makes the verification process smooth and quick.

Step-by-Step Guide to Getting a Facebook Agency Ad Account

Creating a Facebook Agency Ad Account involves several steps. Each step ensures you’re setting up the account correctly and meet Facebook’s requirements. Here’s how to get started:

While the standard process is well-known, I’ve uncovered a lesser-known method that’s proven to be quicker and easier. Interested in exploring this alternative? Check out the details here.

Step 1: Accessing Business Settings

To manage your Facebook Agency Ad Account, you first need to access the Business Settings. Here’s how you do it:

  1. Go to Facebook Business Manager: Navigate to the Facebook Business Manager.
  2. Open Business Settings: Click on the menu icon (the three horizontal lines) in the top left, then select “Business Settings.” This section allows you to manage all aspects of your business, from people to ad accounts.

Photo by Tracy Le Blanc

Step 2: Adding a New Ad Account

Once in Business Settings, you can add a new ad account. Follow these steps:

  1. Go to Ad Accounts Section: In the Business Settings menu, click “Accounts” and then select “Ad Accounts.”
  2. Add New Ad Account: Click the blue “Add” button and choose “Create a New Ad Account.”
  3. Fill in Details: Enter the necessary details such as the name of the ad account, your time zone, and your currency.

Important: Make sure the information you provide is accurate to avoid any issues later.

Want to skip the complexities of setting up your agency ad account? My method offers a straightforward solution. Explore how it works here.

Step 3: Requesting Access

If you need to manage an existing ad account, you’ll have to request access. Here’s what you need to do:

  1. Request Access: In the Ad Accounts section of Business Settings, click on the blue “Add” button again but this time select “Request Access to an Ad Account.”
  2. Provide Account ID: Input the Ad Account ID of the account you want to access. This ID can be obtained from the account owner.
  3. Set Permissions: Specify the level of access you need, typically “Admin Access” for full control or “Advertiser Access” for creating and managing ads.

The account owner will receive a notification to approve your access request.

Step 4: Submitting Verification Documents

Once you have your ad account set up, you’ll need to submit verification documents to confirm your business’s legitimacy. Here’s how to do it:

  1. Go to Security Center: In Business Settings, navigate to the “Security Center.”
  2. Start Verification: Click on “Start Verification” and provide your business details such as legal name, address, and phone number.
  3. Upload Documents: Documents you may need include a business license, tax documents, and proof of address. Upload the required documents.
  4. Submit for Review: After uploading, submit your application for review. Facebook typically takes a few days to review the documents.

By following these steps, you ensure that your application process will be smooth, and you’ll be able to manage multiple clients’ ad campaigns effectively.

In the next section, we’ll discuss common issues you might encounter and how to troubleshoot them.

Common Issues and Troubleshooting

When managing a Facebook Agency Ad Account, you might run into some common issues. Understanding these problems and knowing how to fix them is crucial for keeping your campaigns running smoothly. Here are two major issues you could face and tips on how to handle them.

While the standard process is well-known, I’ve uncovered a lesser-known method that’s proven to be quicker and easier. Interested in exploring this alternative? Check out the details here.

Verification Delays

Photo by cottonbro studio

Waiting for account verification can be frustrating. But why does it happen? Here are some common reasons:

  • Incomplete Documents: If your submitted documents are missing information, it can slow things down.
  • High Volume of Requests: Sometimes, Facebook experiences a high number of verification requests, causing delays.
  • Incorrect Information: Any mismatch in the business details you’ve provided can cause problems.

To address these delays:

  1. Double-Check Your Documents: Make sure all required documents are complete and up-to-date.
  2. Provide Accurate Information: Ensure the business details match across all documents.
  3. Be Patient: If it’s due to high request volume, sometimes all you can do is wait.

Want to skip the complexities of setting up your agency ad account? My method offers a straightforward solution. Explore how it works here.

Access Denied

Imagine you try to access your ad account only to find out you’re denied. What can you do? Here are some paths to take:

  • Check Permissions: Ensure you have the right permissions from the Business Manager.
  • Appeal: If you think there’s been a mistake, you can appeal Facebook’s decision.

To rectify the situation:

  1. Verify Permissions: Double-check that you have been given the correct level of access.
  2. Submit an Appeal: Go to Facebook’s Business Help Center and follow the steps to appeal. Provide any required information and documents to support your case.
  3. Contact Support: If the issue persists, reach out to Facebook support for assistance.

By understanding and addressing these common issues, you can keep your Facebook Agency Ad Account running smoothly, ensuring your advertising efforts remain uninterrupted and effective.

Best Practices for Managing an Agency Ad Account

Properly managing a Facebook Agency Ad Account is essential for ensuring smooth operations and delivering great results for your clients. Here are some best practices to help you get the most out of your agency ad account.

While the standard process is well-known, I’ve uncovered a lesser-known method that’s proven to be quicker and easier. Interested in exploring this alternative? Check out the details here.

Organization and Structure

Photo by Mikhail Nilov

How you organize your Facebook Agency Ad Account can determine its effectiveness. Structuring your account properly enables easy navigation and optimal performance. Here are some tips:

  • Client-Based Folders: Create folders for each client. Within each folder, organize campaigns, ad sets, and ads. This makes it easy to find items and streamline management.
  • Naming Conventions: Use clear and consistent naming conventions for campaigns, ad sets, and ads. For example, include the client’s name, the target audience, and the campaign goal. This ensures everyone on your team can quickly understand the purpose of each element.
  • Labels and Tags: Utilize Facebook’s labeling and tagging features to further categorize your assets. This is particularly useful for running seasonal campaigns or tracking specific objectives.

Additionally, keep your ad account clean by regularly archiving old campaigns and ad sets that are no longer in use. This minimizes clutter and ensures easier access to current campaigns.

Monitoring and Reporting

Monitoring is crucial. You need to keep track of performance and generate reports that impress and inform your clients.

While the standard process is well-known, I’ve uncovered a lesser-known method that’s proven to be quicker and easier. Interested in exploring this alternative? Check out the details here.

  • Regular Check-Ins: Schedule weekly or bi-weekly check-ins to review the performance of each client’s campaigns. Use this time to adjust budgets, modify targeting, and optimize ads based on performance data.
  • Automated Reports: Set up automated reports in Facebook Ads Manager to get regular updates on campaign performance. Customize these reports to include key metrics like impressions, clicks, conversions, and ROI. This helps you stay informed without manually pulling data.
  • Custom Dashboards: Use custom dashboards within Facebook Business Manager for real-time performance tracking. Tailor these dashboards to your clients’ KPIs to ensure you focus on what matters most to them.
  • Analyzing Data: Dive into the data to identify trends and insights. Look for patterns that can inform your next steps, such as high-performing audiences or ad creatives. Use these insights to tweak your strategies and improve results.

Here’s a simple routine to ensure effective monitoring and reporting:

  1. Daily: Quick check of key performance metrics.
  2. Weekly: In-depth review and optimization.
  3. Monthly: Comprehensive reporting to clients, including performance overview, insights, and recommendations.

By following these practices, you can manage your Facebook Agency Ad Account effectively, ensuring that all your clients’ campaigns are running smoothly and achieving their goals.


Obtaining a Facebook Agency Ad Account is a strategic step for any agency looking to manage multiple client campaigns effectively. By following the steps outlined, including setting up a Business Manager account and ensuring all verification documents are in order, you position your agency for success. The benefits of enhanced support, higher limits, and streamlined management cannot be overstated. Take action today to secure your Facebook Agency Ad Account and elevate your advertising capabilities.

Want to skip the complexities of setting up your agency ad account? My method offers a straightforward solution. Explore how it works here.




Specializing in new social media advertising methods to elevate brand engagement and redefine digital marketing strategies.