Gese 2.0 — Key Updates

3 min readOct 24, 2018


We are pleased to announce about the updated project Gese 2.0 launch. We have changed not only the technical part, but also the token-economy. We’ve changed even the project’s functionality. Moreover, there have been changes in the team — we have invited some new experienced advisors. Take a look step by step.

First change: the product. Initially, Gese was built as a social network for those high-quality alcohol consumers who could use Gese technology and communicate, share certain knowledge, and events in this ecosystem. But our analysis shows that this isn’t a priority for our customers. Therefore, in Gese 2.0, we’ve completely abandoned the social network and divided the project products into clear groups.

The first is «NFC only», for consumers, who are eager to use only the counterfeit countering system based on the NFC tag database. The second is NFC plus QR-code, which allows to communicate with customers. The third are cases with cryptocurrency, a GSE token. The coin was created in order to motivate customers and build more complex customer relationship systems. In fact, Gese has become a kind of inbox-solution for the alcohol manufacturers.

The second important change is the token-economy. You are able to find details in the White Paper, but the main change is that we have limited emission of tokens (100 millions) and fix a price at $0.15. On the ICO we sell only half of the coins, and another half remains for sale at later stages and for bounty companies, team members, etc. Considering that alcohol producers are interested in using GSE token for buying NFC tags and for cutomer’s cashback, it creates a strong demand. Since the tokens will be available only for investors, the price of GSE token is about to increase.

The third important point is that we have radically restructured the ICO process. Gese has decided not to go to public ICO. We decided to hold a private sale in a closed network of Asian investors, who specialize in blockchain projects. In addition, it helps to invest money saved on the marketing of public ICO to development of the project.

More details will be told by Gese co-founders Pavel Bobosik and Andrew Yakovlev at Seoul, on November 3rd, during Autumn Asian Roadshow, organized by China Blockchain Experts (CBE).

And last but not the least. Goldfinch Network has joined the project — advisors Gene Deyev and Ivan Bolonikhin are experts in tokenization, preparing ICO-projects and «packing» blockchain projects for presentation in different markets. We are sure that their contribution to the development of our project will be significant.

Also, we want to note that Gese confirms all its’ obligations to members of the community and participants of bounty campaigns — all tokens will be credited. Stay tuned for updates and news in our social media accounts.




- is a community of consumers who want to ensure the quality of purchased goods, local establishments advancing within the platform and brands >>