The best Twitter growth expert out there? It’s an AI!

4 min readOct 20, 2016


Have you noticed how some businesses simply shine on Twitter? Ever wonder how that startup managed to grow its audience so quickly? Did you hear the one about that business who signed up its first 1,000 users using Twitter without spending a dime on marketing?

Well, it’s time to reveal a very well-kept secret, known to only a few marketers, CMOs and entrepreneurs: the best Twitter growth expert out there is an AI. Yes, an AI (Artificial Intelligence) powered service called GetGrowth that already helped customers gain more than one million (!) followers and 500,000 monthly visits to their websites and blogs.

“GetGrowth keeps our Twitter account filled with fresh content that is relevant and interesting, and manages to engage users who convert to followers and leads. I am really impressed.” — Ilan Kasan, COO, Comeet.

In 2016 we hear less the question “Why do you think Twitter is the best platform to grow my business?”. Entrepreneurs, marketers, CMOs all know by now that Twitter is the only social network where businesses and consumers have an even playing field and unrestricted lines of clear, concise communication.

So everyone knows that Twitter is the best platform to grow your user base. Why? because of its has 3 key advantages that are a social media marketer’s dream:
1. It’s a truly public network, where you can approach perfect strangers.
2. Based on the public tweets of a prospect, you can reach out and build a relationship, which eventually helps you push for a sale. You have interests, but more importantly, you have intent.
3. Twitter is providing social proof. A prospect can look at your tweets to see what you’re all about, what’s you’re story, what you’re selling, and who you associate with. But that’s not all. With a single tweet, you can pull someone into any conversation in real-time.

Having said that, utilizing Twitter to achieve growth is hard work. and lots of it. It usually takes an experienced professional — a social media marketer, a “growth hacker”, a marketing whiz — who knows the ropes, who is willing to invest the time and effort, and who is available and affordable, to make Twitter really work for your business.

Everything is based on curating great content, so that relevant users will inded discover your account, show interest and follow it. This is a tedious task, constantly searching online for relevant content, popular stories, saving them, formatting them, scheduling them, day and night, day in-day out.

But it also requires identifying the target audience and approaching them. Yes, you need to scan thousands of users, picking those who show interest or intent, and then get them into the conversation. This is usually done by mentioning them, retweeting their tweets, following them. That’s a lot of work.

When we found ourselves doing this hard work over and over again, for our own businesses and brands, we thought that there must be a better solution. We were not looking to do things differently, but to have someone else do those pesky tasks, while we only supervise the work and add our own secret sauce, our voice, to the mix.

We couldn’t find a solution, so — as entrepeneurs and techies — we’ve built it.

“Damn this shit works. Lots more engagement and then lots more followers. Most relevant service I’ve used.” — Tsahi Levent-Levi, Owner,

So we’ve built GetGrowth. It’s based on AI (artificial intelligence, a “smart” software) that we’ve developed, which does all the above mentioned tasks, and does them quicker, more efficient and better than any human.

It constantly listens to the Twitter chatter and identifies relevant, popular content, and then suggests it to the customer. After the customer approves, it shares it on their Twitter account at the right time and in the right format.

But that’s not all — it also scans thousands of users to find relevant audience for the customer’s business. It then engages with them — follows relevant accounts, mentions others on relevant stories, likes their tweets — with one target in mind: get them to notice the customer’s business and engage to learn more.

We’ve spent months of research and development so that the customer will spend less than 5 minutes registering. We handle the configuration of this complex AI for each customer, based on their business characteristics and needs, and then it simply starts working. 24/7. Non stop. Getting growth.

GetGrowth has already helped our customer’s accounts grow in more than 1 million (!) followers, and is generating more than 500,000 views/leads a month. You can say it’s the best kept secret of successful marketers and entrepreneurs. And the best part? It’s FREE for 14 days. So anyone can take it for a spin, and experience growth on their own business account.

So the next time someone asks you who is the best Twitter growth expert out there, smile and whisper in their ear: “Not who, what. It’s an AI!”.




Grow your business on Twitter using our AI-powered growth platform. Try it now for free for 14 days: