A Beautiful Historical City in Minas Gerais, Brazil

5 min readSep 4, 2020


Tiradentes is perhaps the most beautiful historical city in Brazil. The streets are all made of stone pavement, full of charm. The city is a mixture whim and coziness, located in a great state called Minas Gerais. If a visit to Tiradentes was limited to knowing old and beautiful churches, admiring period houses, and wandering through cobblestone streets, we would already have great reasons to visit there! But there is still a lot more! The city and its residents are always trying to offer new experiences for its visitors!

The city has several ecotourism options, the restaurants and bistros serve the most diverse types of dishes, and it is a fine and high-quality cuisine. The handicrafts sold in Tiradentes’ ateliers are a big reference in Brazil and the world. The inns and hotels in the city offer all the comfort the tourist need to rest and recharge their energy. Tiradentes and many other cities are part of Estrada Real, the biggest touristic route in Brazil. With approximately 1600 km, Estrada Real started to be built in the 17th century, to connect the coast of Rio de Janeiro with the gold-producing regions of Minas Gerais.

In the end, it is the perfect city for those who want to spend a relaxed weekend, with high spirits, and wonderful views. Tiradentes is one of the most charming cities in Brazil and if you are in Belo Horizonte, the capital of Minas Gerais, it is one of the best destinations for a day trip, since it is only 3 hours from the capital.


It is worth walking around the city and checking out the historical spots, it is a delight to walk through Tiradendes!


Matriz de Santo Antônio

This is a beautiful church that must be on your list of must-do activities! When you walk in, you can notice right away its wealth. There are more than 480 kilos of gold, which makes the church the second richest in Brazil.

Bars in Tiradentes Square

We recommend stopping at one of the bars during the day to have a beer, a glass of wine or eat an appetizer. And take your time! Enjoy the positive vibes and the atmosphere, which is amazing.


Gastronomy is one of the highlights of Tiradentes and the food is simply amazing. Last time, we went to a restaurant called Atras da Matrix, which the main course is a tasteful codfish. Another great restaurant is the Gourmeco, where everything is very beautiful and very tasteful, usually has live music and their pasta is amazing.


It is well worth sitting at one of the highest spots of Tiradentes to watch the sunset.


You must get in the little stores in Tiradentes, even if you do not want to buy anything. But you need to see the art, the crafts, ceramic sculptures, and the souvenirs. Everything is so delicate and beautiful.

Ecotourism Tours

For those who enjoy ecotourism and outdoor activities, Tiradentes offers horse rides, beautiful waterfalls trails and bike rides.

Get to know the neighboring town — São João Del Rey by Maria Fumaça train.

It is a 40-minute ride in a very old, but preserved train, one of the only steam engines in the world that still runs, it is incredibly charming. In addition, Sao Joao Del Rey offers beautiful attractions and it is worth it planning a day trip to get to know this great city.

Getaway Tips

– Go on the weekends, which is when all bars and restaurants are open.

– During the summer, you can enjoy more the nature do some activities such as walking trails and waterfall trails.

– During the winter, the city is even more charming, and it is the perfect time to enjoy the beauty and the charm of the inns and restaurants.

– You do not have to worry about the location of your inn or hotel, as everything is very close, especially if you have a car.

– We recommend staying for 2 or 3 days in the Tiradentes.

– The city is also very frequented by young people, so do not be afraid if you are young, you will find more people like you and there will be a lot to do.




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