Design and Development Progress

4 min readFeb 27, 2018



Our designer is continuing work on the designs for the app. The major grey-scale design work and wire-framing is likely to be completed soon. This work includes additional designs for our crowdfunding platform Boost like filtering and sorting options, customized alert views, and other bells and whistles throughout the app. The designer is also working on a new section of our site where creators can submit ideas before the app goes live — thus helping us line up content for the platform before it is released. Below, we show previews of what that page will look like on our website:

This page will also contain questions for creators, where they can provide additional information about their project, and any tools or assistance that ELIX, LLC can provide. These forms and sections will also be available on our app, but we’d like to line up some great projects to prepare for the app launch. This way, our community can contribute content and will be able to participate in this exciting process. A few sample questions are shown below:

Sample questions from the upcoming Creator Portal

Additionally, design of the Boost platform is finishing this week. Here’s a grey-scale example of the categories sorting and filtering method proposed by the design firm:

Sample Boost greyscale filtering and sorting.


For our mobile progress this week, we’ve spent a lot of time going through and ensuring that any information a user submits for payments, lending, or crowdfunding would be validated. Some examples include validating the length of an address of a payment recipient or lending request recipient, preventing loan paybacks greater than the loan’s overall value, or checking that a crowdfunding pledge does not attempt to exceed the project’s maximum goal. These are frontend checks implemented for convenience, though they are already enforced in the smart contracts. Additionally, transactions will now be instantaneously reflected in the personal wallet and ledger, since the server will now save transactions that are in the “pending” state in the blockchain, and will update them automatically when they’ve successfully been mined, or if the transaction resulted in a failure. Transactions will now also display the date & time a transaction occurred, the block number it happened on, and the amount of gas it had incurred.

Our mobile application has now been deployed to Apple’s Testflight, which will allow us to test the application in the same way that it will be delivered to our beta testers. This version of the application will be a reflection of the final product that will be uploaded to the App Store when it’s time to finally release our app to the public. This is an exciting step for us and reflects our commitment to rapidly move forward towards our launch, and deliver this application into the hands of our community and the general public.

Smart Contracts

We’re continuing to review and test our smart contracts. For example, we’ve created additional tests for the hyperbolic Token P mining model described here. At this time, the smart contracts contain all the necessary features for launch.


This week, we’ve also had the chance to talk to two different marketers about strategies for expanding our marketing footprint. As part of that plan, one of our goals is to have people planning to use our platform as soon as it is released. As discussed above, we will be adding a section to our website where creators can apply to have their project hosted on Boost as soon as it is released. We’ll also have some amount of Token P set aside specifically to reward those early creators for taking that initiative. If you’re a creator, entrepreneur, or someone who wants to fund a project using Boost, keep on the lookout for that update to our site within the next month or so.

The marketers we’ve spoken to also have experience doing consumer research and we expect to defer to their expertise and likely hire them on a consulting basis at a later time when our product is closer to release.

Be sure to checkout our website as well as connect to our social media on Reddit, Twitter, Discord, and Telegram. We also have new Facebook and Instagram pages, and a newsletter you can sign up for at the bottom of our homepage. If you have any questions, let us know and we’d be glad to help clear things up!

