Cocaine, to cure toothache?

Floe Oral Care
5 min readMay 14, 2020

Nowadays we are are rarely exposed to positive publicity about cocaine, let alone cocaine adverts with restless children playing in the background, but in the late 1880's things were different. We now know that cocaine is a highly addictive substance that can lead to destructive behaviour, but at the time, cocaine had not yet fallen into disrepute.

It is well known that cocaine served as an early ingredient in Coca Cola — hence the name. Less well known however, is the widespread use as a local anesthetic to numb the pain during surgical procedures. According to a dental journal of the time, unhealthy teeth could be extracted and nerves removed with little or no pain.

The Father of Modern Surgery

One of the leading surgeons of the time, regarded today as the father of modern surgery, was basically a medical Pablo Escobar. His whole practice was fuelled by cocaine, leading to some of the most groundbreaking advances of his day. Let’s appreciate for a moment, the extraordinary career of Dr. William Halsted: surgeon, innovator, and raging cocaine addict.

Dr William Halsted

There is no easy way to summarise the achievements of this man. He invented a plethora of surgical techniques, founded the first training program in the United States, was a fervent proponent of aseptic surgery, and the first surgeon ever to use gloves.

This was in part due to the influence of another great doctor; Joseph Lister, a pioneer of antiseptic surgery; that is, washing your hands (and everything else) before operating on a patient. Prior to Lister’s innovations, going to the hospital for a surgical procedure was a near death sentence. You may have come across a remnant of Lister’s legacy many times, perhaps unknowingly, whilst rinsing your mouth…

Listerine “The safe antiseptic”. Named after Dr Joseph Lister

A High Functioning Addict

In 1882, Halsted pioneered the first blood transfusion. Having been called to see his sister after she had given birth, Halsted found her moribund from blood loss. In a heroic and bold move, he withdrew his own blood and transfused it into his dying sister, thereby saving her life and inventing one of the most prolific medical treatments in history.

Halsted inevitably rose to fame for his boldness and gradually built an unparalleled reputation in the field, all the while consuming high doses of cocaine on a daily basis. Like many other physicians of his time, he was intrigued by the promises of the drug, so he used his own body to experiment with it. He injected himself, ingested it, and even rubbed it in his eyes.

Halsted was not only a prodigious user but also cocaine’s greatest advocate, encouraging his students to take it so that they could keep up with him. The stimulating effects of the drug had given him a superpower, allowing him to work long hours, perform endless surgeries, and train his students. Sleep was a privilege to be enjoyed in the afterlife. For Halsted there was only progress and cocaine.

Cleaning, to avoid toothache?

Toothaches are painful and something we would all rather avoid. While dental practices remain closed to combat the Coronavirus spread, now is certainly not the time to be developing one either. Whether you have suffered from them in the past or remained pain free in your life, the best way to avoid toothaches all-together is prevention. At the most basic level, a toothache is indicating a problem with your oral health. The leading source of pain is tooth decay, which signifies cavity in the enamel and potentially the exposure of a nerve. The following steps are a proven format to build a stable foundation for your gums and teeth, preventing the development of complications:

  1. Twice a day. Brush your teeth at least twice a day for 2 minutes to clean away plaque build up that can lead to tooth decay and associated gum disease. Simple but essential. So simple that a shocking 40% of adults admit failing to do so. We’ve created a dawn and dusk toothpaste to really hammer this home.
  2. ABF… not the the African Basketball Federation, or indeed the Adult Bible Fellowship. Sadly membership to either of the above institutions will not starve off tooth decay. Always. Be. Flossing. We are told this regularly by dentists but in reality few of us commit to doing it. Brushing only covers 60% your teeth and therefore flossing is essential.
  3. Make your dental check-up a routine. This should be the cornerstone of prevention — visit the dentist twice a year to pick up on cavity formation early.
  4. Fluoride. Contrary to the belief of conspiracy theorists, fluoride does not calcify the brain, and was not used by Hitler in concentration camps to sedate prisoners. Not only is it a naturally occurring element, it is also the most effective way of strengthening your enamel to prevent cavities. Our dawn toothpaste has been formulated with fluoride to do just that.
  5. Less sugar. Cut down on the snacks and increase the consumption of foods with low sugar content and high nutritional value to your diet. The more sugar the greater the risk of cavities, and accordingly toothache.
  6. Use a fresh toothbrush. You should be changing your toothbrush every three months, however, many of us simply forget. The same applies to electric toothbrushes. Trivial? No. Worn bristles will not effectively remove plaque.

At Floe we are not suggesting heading back to the days of Dr Halsted and using cocaine to cure toothache. What we do advocate is establishing consistent routines and daily habits to prevent painful and expensive problems down the line. Our habit forming sets will be launching next month, designed to optimise your oral health, and whilst we won’t be including cocaine drops, we can assure that a healthy smile has equally addictive properties…

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