The Scale is Not Everything

2 min readJun 15, 2015


The numbers on the scale doesn’t define how fit and toned you are. If your weight does increase, don’t worry! It doesn’t mean you will look worse or your diet program failed. Just keep eating protein every day and increase your activity! You’ll stay fit and toned even if the weight-number increased.

It’s called body recomposition; you can be heavier in terms of scale but still visibly look thinner because what used to be fat and what wasn’t muscle before, is now muscle. And guys, it’s true, muscle weighs more than fat. Here’s an example of just that from our head coach Dionis.

Weight: 54.5 Waist: 27.5 Hip: 35.0

“ I’m 2 kgs heavier than last year but visibly look toner.I am able to eat more now without fears of ballooning up. My work is not complete yet, will take it slow and easy. I didn’t follow any strict meal plans or diets like Paleo. Just made sure I have sufficient protein every day, sufficient calories and timed my treats while doing the right exercise (and yes, I can still enjoy ice cream and cakes).” Dionis, Fulfilled Head Coach

The key is consistency. We will do this step by step together. Join us now so we can support your weight loss journey to get those abs looking tighter, fitter, sexier. Join us at




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