Best guide to trading barts you will EVER see.

GetGood #TA
5 min readJun 21, 2018


Picture of Bart stealing your hard earned cash lol

I keep getting the same PM’s and seeing the same chatter in 99% of crypto groups. Example:

  • BTC is so manipulated!
  • All these bart patterns make it impossible to trade!
  • Whales please stop dumping :(

These excuses are great for people not to trade BTC. And yeah I admit I was annoyed by barts too at first but all I got from barts was an opportunity to study Institutional Order Flow and Swing Failure Patterns more thoroughly so I can adapt a new style of trading.

These ‘annoying’ barts are a blessing in disguise, mates. Now listen here…

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Dissection of a BART

Let us define the bart first.

Plain and simple.

The Bart:

  • Pump/Dump
  • Long wick into the…
  • …Tight trading channel
  • Swing failure pattern
  • Dump/Pump

Rinse and repeat.

Now that we have dissected the bart let’s trade it using ONE simple technique, the SFP — Swing Failure Pattern.

Institutional Order Flow

To understand the SFP one must understand Institutional Order Flow.

Retail trader = Individual trading a personal account, small size.

Institutional trader = Individual trading a fund’s/firm’s/desk’s funds for an institution.

Reminder: For every buyer there needs to be a seller, and for every seller, a buyer.

Institutions trading a large size = You can’t just click buy because you would ruin the market and pump the price, you need to engineer liquidity.

Why can’t an institutional trader simply buy at market price?

These are the two primary problems institutional traders come across during trading/investing — Slippage and Front running.

Slippage is when by the time a trade goes through, due to volatility, the price quickly changes.

  • Your order doesn’t get fully filled.
  • A massive account doesn’t get filled immediately and this slippage can significantly impact an institutional traders position.

Front running is when retail traders notice the fingerprints left by an institutional trader and try and get ahead of him.

  • Again, the institutional trader has a hard time getting filled.

The implications:

Someone has to fill your order from the other direction

Longs = Short Liquidity

Shorts = Long Liquidity

Institutional traders always aim to convince you the price is moving in one direction before fooling you and selling to you or buying from you. **Engineering liquidity pools**

Remember when you think it’s pumping and it dumps? Or when you think it’s dumping and it pumps? Well this is exactly why. There’s always another layer of the ‘game’ behind the ‘game’. Big players always aim to fool you.

Liquidity pools

Liquidity = Volume

More liquidity = the easier you get filled at your desired price.

This is a topic I constantly talk about on GetGood and a lot of people don’t fully understand them no matter how often I explain it. Let’s try again.

How do institutions engineer liquidity?

  • Pending limit orders = untapped liquidity, triggers by price trading through a certain area.
  • Buy orders flooding the market = Short Liquidity
  • Sell orders flooding the market = Long Liquidity

Simple. If everyone is buying, it’s easy for a whale to sell his bags to you. If nobody is buying, the whale selling will just be dumping the price and losing profits.

How do we identify these pools?

Where are retail traders taught to put their stops?

  • Below swing lows
  • Above swing highs
  • Above range highs
  • Below range lows

Retail traders are taught to buy ‘breakouts’ and sell breakdowns to be safe but this is STUPID, believe it or not this is like a conspiracy theory for the markets, you’re taught the ‘basics’ but the basics just make you a complete idiot in trading. IOF should be the basic but if everyone knew this then institutions would just use something else and the whole ‘game’ turns against you once again.

Let’s go through a recent example of how a retail trader/someone clueless about IOF trades.

The thought pattern of a very emotional trader.

Now let’s see how a trader knowledgeable in IOF trades.

To dumb it down, just do the opposite of what your emotions or the majority would do.

Why does this work so well? All those stops, limit buys above that obvious swing high where the majority is buying the ‘break’ make for a perfect shorting opportunity for someone who has millions MILLIONS more $$$ than you do.

Reminder: Every stop-loss turns into a market buy/sell order. Everyone is taught to set the limit a tiny bit under/above the stop. This as a result creates a chain of stops getting triggered and you get these giant pumps/dumps.

Reminder: For every buyer there needs to be a seller, and for every seller, a buyer.


Swing Failure Pattern.

This is why the SFP works so damn well.

Definition: Price runs above/under a key point, but closes under/above it.

Dissecting the SFP:

Swings are locations where price violently entered and violently left.

The more violence you have in swings, the better that swing is.

The more obvious the swing, the better the liquidity pool.

Only KEY swings are used for liquidity pools. What’s obvious is relative to each and every observer, so observing swings takes practice.
Always pick the swings that would be obvious even to someone who never charted in their life. If a swing is obvious to your grandma, believe me, that swing has a pool under/above it.


  • Institutional traders can’t just come in and buy, they need a LOT of sellers to buy without pumping prices. Prices pump/dump only AFTER this event.
  • Liquidity pools are where retail traders are taught to put their stops/limit orders.
  • Stop hunt = Where retail traders get stopped to engineer liquidity FOR BIG PLAYERS

Protip: Avoid putting stops under/above VERY obvious swings.

I can keep writing a ton on this and I probably missed something important but I can make multiple parts on this. This is just a short version on trading barts/IOF/SFP. Hope you guys enjoyed it.

Tagged this article as conspiracy theories LMAO.

Please share this around so everyone can learn how to trade these barts thanks bye.

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