DYNOSTICS — Mobile Analysis System

GetGood #TA
3 min readJul 6, 2018


CEO: Stefan Bartenschlager
Report Date: 06/07/2018


Company Overview:

DYNOSTICS aims to provide athletes with a smart system for performance and metabolism analysis which determines the athlete’s fitness levels in few minutes. The user receives personal training and nutrition recommendations via the app.

The Team:

Stefan Bartenschlager is the founder and CEO of DYNOSTICS. He is also a shareholder, investor and CEO of an advertising and Internet Agency InsideAll plus the founder and CEO of Startups Allgäu which is an incubator, accelerator and investor program for young startups.

DYNOSTICS was founded in 2015 from the frustration that diagnostics required medical staff, relied on obsolete tech, and were overly expensive.

The Product

The DYNOSTICS device, method based on spiroergometry.

Since there is a complete video explanation on the product I will only write a summary:

  • DYNOSTICS advice can determine a user’s performance/metabolic data by analyzing the gases they inhale and exhale
  • The process takes only a few minutes.
  • The method is based on spiroergometry
  • Metabolic data is captured through a breathing unit and performance data through a pulse belt.
  • A turbine is attached to the mask.
  • An arm device that pumps the air, receives the data from the pulse belt and breathing unit, and sends it to our cloud, via Bluetooth.
  • The data is then interpreted by the algorithm in real time and rendered in the app.

“After completing these short series of tests, the user has access to a treasure trove of information. For example, the tests will tell users within which pulse ranges they increase performance or burn fat. Through the app, they’ll be able to know how they process food, which kind of diet to follow, and how best to reach their fitness goals.

DYNOSTICS Device video showcasing usagehttps://youtu.be/pcTGrKVT5NM

Why Blockchain?

In my opinion, the most important question for every project. Most often ICO’s and their ideas are not suitable or completely unnecessary for blockchain, DYNOSTICS has very good reason to be using blockchain which they decided on only later during research.

As the DYNOSTICS database grew with the data from the device, many research institutes and insurance companies were contacting DYNOSTICS for access to the data.

We vehemently believe that people should be the sole proprietors of their data and the only ones deciding with whom to share their personal information. — Stefan Bartenschlager, CEO of DYNOSTICS

Blockchain came up as the solution — as a result, the users not only can decide how their data could or should be used but also earn money from their data.

Blockchain keeps data safe and impossible to mess with whilst providing a completely new sphere of data on the market.

The Partnerships

RedBull — Providing top class analytical training centers for all their athletes, have worldwide access to top athletes in mainstream sports but also in “niche-sports” — This is the go-to market for DYNOSTICS as they want to focus on young athletes that need to be flexible, so having a smart device like this one really helps them out and saves them a ton of money and time.

“…The University of Leipzig and Beijing and many more upcoming partners will be the first beta users as data buyers on the marketplace.”

Update: FC Barcelona partnership announced.

Conclusion, my personal opinion.

DYNOSTICS has a working product, a device that has a high demand in the industry, their execution is innovative and they strive forwards with a clear vision.

The most positive sign for people I think is that they decided on the blockchain solution only because it truly provides innovation in the sports-industry.

Most ICO’s don’t need blockchain and are only here to follow the trend while raising absurd amounts of money for an idea. DYNOSTICS already has everything set and is in their 18-month testing phase for their device.

I seriously recommend reading their whitepaper, honestly it’s very well written and showcases the competence the team has.


DYNO ICO websitehttps://dyno.io/
DYNOSTICS COMPANY websitehttps://www.dynostics.com/en/
DYNOSTICS announcements https://t.me/dynostics
DYNOSTICS community telegramhttps://t.me/dyno_io



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