Underrated weight loss tips

Get good fitness
6 min readNov 27, 2022

If you’re looking to lose weight and keep it off, here are some underrated tips that might help:

best weight lose tips

Eat a balanced diet for weigh lose

Eating a balanced diet means getting all the important nutrients your body needs to function properly. (Make sure you don’t count calories, though!)” These meals typically include fruits, vegetables, protein, and healthy fats.” The best diet for weight loss is a healthy one that you can stick to over time. (You can make healthy eating easier by planning your meals ahead of time!)If you can’t stick to a diet, use these tips instead: Try eating smaller portions throughout the day.

This way you won’t feel hungry between meals and won’t feel the need to overeat at mealtimes Get rid of junk food from your diet. Junk food (such as candy, cookies, fast food, soda, etc.) is usually high in calories and low in nutrition. Instead, fill your diet with fruits and vegetables, whole grains, lean protein, and low-fat dairy click here

Avoid sugary drinks like sodas and fruit juices. These types of drinks are high in sugar and calories, and they can add inches to your waistline. Water is the number-one drink of choice when it comes to staying hydrated.”


High-intensity interval training is a type of exercise in which you alternate short periods of intense activity with short recovery periods. This type of training has been shown to be more effective for burning fat than other types of cardio workouts.”It involves you performing exercises that involve pushing your limits for short periods of time followed by periods of rest and recovery.”One of the best ways to incorporate high-intensity interval training into your workout routine is by performing interval sprints on a cardio machine such as a treadmill

Complete high intensity intervals consisting of 30 seconds to 2 minutes of maximum effort followed by a maximum recovery period of around 4 minutes. For example, do 30 second intervals of running as hard as you can followed immediately by a 4 minute recovery period.” Do four rounds total.


Soda can sabotage your weight loss efforts in so many ways: It can be a huge source of sugar that can affect your blood sugar and insulin levels and lead to weight gain. It contains empty calories. Even if you trim the calories in soda down by using sugar-free versions, you’re still getting lots of added sugar that can lead to weight gain. Soda can also be a source of artificial colorings and flavorings

which have been linked to various health problems including cancer Soda is filled with calories with little or no nutritional value Soda often replaces more nutritious beverages such as water, which is a much better choice for your health”

Merely drinking water throughout the day can help boost your metabolism and aid weight loss because water helps to flush out toxins from the body and eliminate waste more effectively. Aim to drink at least 8 glasses of water each day to help you feel full and prevent overeating.


One of the most important things to remember when playing tennis is to constantly be moving between sets. By constantly moving, you will be able to keep your opponent guessing and on their toes. It will also give you a chance to rest your muscles before the next set begins, which will help you get through a grueling match. For example, let’s say you are playing doubles with your friend.

As you are playing a set, if you and your partner have been playing well and are winning easily, you will want to take a minute or two to go talk to your partner about the game plan for the next set. This will give you some time to recover in between sets and give your brain a rest, which is important for optimal performance. At the other end of the spectrum, if you are struggling in a match or if you feel that you may not be winning any time soon, you will want to take a break and go talk to your coach about ways to improve your game.

This will allow you to get some fresh ideas and possibly come up with some new strategies to help you win your next match. Remember, it doesn’t matter whether you are winning or losing a match, you should always continue to move between sets to give you a chance to rest and rejuvenate your muscles so you will be ready for the next set. Additionally, it is important to keep moving during the actual matches as well.


Always eat something before going out to play a match or practice. Many people skip this step because they think that it will help them play better without food in their diet. However, this is not true at all. In fact, eating some food before you play will help give you the energy that you need to play your best game. Without the proper amount of energy in your body, you will not be able to perform your best on the court. Also, many athletes tend to not eat enough carbohydrates before a game because they like to burn off as many calories as possible before a match.


Vegetables are a great source of nutrients and they pack a lot of power into every bite. As a result, they can increase stamina and help you perform better during your athletic events.

However, the key to eating vegetables is to avoid eating them raw and instead prepare them using a steamer or some other type of cooking method. This will allow you to retain the nutritional value of the vegetables while removing any harmful bacteria that could make you sick.


Water is the best and most effective replacement for fruit juices, sodas, sports drinks, energy drinks and other sweetened beverages. Not only is water more filling and satisfying, but it also helps you to lose weight by helping you control your calorie consumption.

There is no sugar or calories in plain water and you can consume as much water as you need to feel full. Replacing sugary drinks with water will also help you to avoid all of the extra calories and added sugar that are commonly present in most sweetened beverages. Drinking more water will also help you to stay hydrated which is important for your overall health.

Health professionals recommend that men drink about 13 cups of fluid per day while women should drink about 9 cups per day. The best way to make sure that you get enough fluids is to drink plenty of water throughout the day and avoid drinking too many high-calorie drinks such as soda, juice and sports drinks.

Eat Well and Lose Weight

Drink lots of water! Drinking water is good for your health and helps your body function at its best. It also helps to keep you hydrated so you are less likely to become dehydrated when you are exercising. Try to keep a bottle of water with you at all times so that you remember to drink water throughout the day.

This is particularly important if you are trying to lose weight as it will help you to ensure that you are drinking enough water every day. Plus it will save you money too! It is also a good idea to keep a water bottle with you when you are traveling so that you can stay hydrated even when you are away from home.

Lower that Temperature Further Down

Cold water makes you work harder for the same results.
Your body produces heat as a result of digesting food and performing physical activities. This heat is lost from the body through sweat. When you drink cold water, the digestive system has to work harder in order to generate the heat that will be lost through the skin.

As a result, the body burns more calories to compensate for the extra energy required to digest the water. This can help you to lose weight if you replace some of the foods in your diet with cold drinking water.

Keep It Simple & Boring Drink Water A Lot… Get The Skinny On Drinking Water And Lose Weight Fast. If you are wanting to lose some weight and want to make it as easy as possible then start drinking as much water as you can. Sounds easy right? Well it is! Why? Well because over time our bodies get used to whatever we put into them and then stops responding to them. So if we feed our body high amounts Read More



Get good fitness

in this blog i will show the best weight lose tips and bets weight lose meal plan thats atually helping you to lose weight