What to know before using your EBT card in another state

4 min readSep 7, 2022


When you use your EBT card in another state, be sure to know the specific requirements and regulations that apply. Use our quick guide as a reference to help you understand the basics of how your EBT card works in other states.

ebt cards

What is an EBT card.

An EBT card is a plastic cards that allow people to use food stamp benefits in other states. The card can be used at participating food stores and restaurants, as well as at state welfare agencies. The benefits of using an EBT card in another state include:

- receiving SNAP benefits for free

- being able to spend SNAP benefits in any store or restaurant in the state where the card is issued, without having to worry about currency conversions

- being able to withdraw cash from participating banks and ATMs in the state where the card is issued

- being able to use an EBT card as a form of debit in other states

How to use an EBT card in another state.

To use your EBT card in another state, you will first need to find an EBT card office. In most states, the EBT card office is located near the entrance of the store where you buy your food. Once you find the office, you will need to provide your identification and proof of residency (like a driver’s license or passport). After entering your information into the computerized system, you will be able to print out a receipt and use your EBT card at participating restaurants and stores.

How to use an EBT card

When using an EBT card in another state, it is important to take care not to spend too much money in one go. To make sure that you are not spending more than your allotted funds each day, keep track of how much money you have left in your account and limit yourself to spending no more than $50 per day. Additionally, be aware of the different types of discounts that may be available on foods or other purchases purchased with an EBT card. Check online or in store for deals before making any purchases.

Tips for using an EBT card in another state.

When using your EBT card in a new state, be sure to keep your card safe. Store your card in a secure place and never let anyone else have access to it. Keep your card in a cool, dark place, and avoid signing on to any online deals or transactions without first verifying your identity.

Use your EBT card in a safe place

Keep your EBT card close to you when you’re shopping or traveling. Place it next to cash or other physical currency so you can easily access it when you need it. And always remember that taking cash with you on vacation is not recommended — instead, use an ATM or bank transfer service to get money back home quickly and easily.

Use your EBT card responsibly

Be aware of the different types of cards available for use with the Electronic Benefits Transfer (EBT) system. Make sure to read the product booklet that comes with your EBT card before using it — this information will help you understand how the system works and how to use it safely. Additionally, be sure to follow the following tips when using your EBT card:

-X-ray check receipts: State law requires businesses that accept food stamps through the EBT system to check receipts for accuracy before they release them into the public domain. ensure that all transactions you make with your EBT card are recorded and filed in a safe place — this will help to ensure that you don’t miss any payments or subsidies that you may need during your visit.

-Ensure your contact information is accurate: Make sure your name, address, and other important information is included on all transactions related to your EBT card. This will help to protect you from getting angry or disappointed with companies if something goes wrong while using the system.


Using an EBT card can be a great way to shop in another state, but it’s important to take some precautions while doing so. Keep your EBT card safe by keeping it away from children and other misuse, use your EBT card wisely by spending your money in a responsible manner, and be careful with your withdrawals. Overall, using an EBT card is a safe and efficient way to shop in another state.

