What’s Next for NFTs?

Jeff Tannenbaum
Apr 15, 2022


What if you could own an NFT that is more than a JPEG? And, what if NFTs autonomously grew in value?

At Unreal Mega Corp, we’ve melded our AI gaming engine with blockchain technology to deliver a new type of NFT experience. We are very excited to announce the launch of our first generation technology, Bodacious Bears NFT.

Here are some things to ponder…

Photo by Towfiqu barbhuiya on Unsplash

What if your NFT could chat with you?

What if your NFT could appreciate based on how smart it was becoming?

What if your NFT had its own personality?

What if, as the owner, you had a full dashboard to control your NFT?

Feel free to check it out, drop us a note or even mint some Bodacious Bears of your own. You can find us at @bodacious_bears (Twitter) or bodaciousbears.com.

