Dianabol 101 : A Short Guide To Methandrostenolone [C20H28O2]

2 min readMar 26, 2017

Methandrostenolone aka Dianabol is a popular name among bodybuilding enthusiasts. People who use body building supplements must already have an idea about this wonderful muscle building pill but if you’ve heard the name of Dianabol for the first time and wants to know, what Dianabol can do for you?, then we can help you.

Although this guide will not tell you about where to Buy Dianabol.

The History of Dianabol

Dianabol is a well-known oral steroids used by Bodybuilders and Athletes. The chemical formula of Dianabol is C20H28O2.

Dianabol was first developed by CIBA laboratories back in 1956 and it was started marketing in the year 1958.

In present time, this steroid can be purchased online and offline in many countries.

Legal Status of Dianabol

In many countries Dianabol is banned and cannot be used by anyone, although some countries allow it to be used with a prescription.

If you’re considering buying this magic muscle building pill, check your country’s laws before you start using it.

If you live in a country where Dianabol is not legal, you may consider using legal alternatives of steroids.

There are companies which sell legal steroids aka steroids alternatives online.

Crazy Bulk, Flexx Labs, Crazy Mass etc are some names of legal steroids suppliers.

Some Benefits of Using Dianabol

Dianabol is very versatile in nature and offer some great benefits to the human body. Although the topic is debatable as there are also some side effects of using the steroids.

Anyone who wants to use this steroid, must consult with a healthcare professional.

Dianabol has an ability to improve nitrogen retention and enhance protein synthesis in our body. This is the reason it is widely used by bodybuilders.

Dianabol helps our body to absorb protein from the food we take and use this protein to rebuild our muscles. This process is called protein synthesis.

Someone should also have a good nitrogen levels in the body for better muscle gain. This steroid also helps in nitrogen retention.

How people take Dianabol?

There are injectable and oral version of Dianabol is available in the market. Although the oral version is more popular.

Bodybuilders usually take 10mg to 25mg dosage in a day. Although some websites also suggests to take a heavy dosage but that is very risky and cause side effects to your body.

Some of the common side effects of using Dianabol are

· low HDL cholesterol levels

· high LDL cholesterol levels

· high blood pressure

· hair loss

· liver problems

It is highly recommended that you should take steroids with caution and always discuss it with your healthcare provider or an expert before start taking them.

This guide is just to give you an idea about Dianabol and not to encourage you to start using it.




Hi I’m jenny :) A health enthusiast & passionate writer. I love to explore health myths & play with craziness. I’m here to Medium to share y journey.