Preventing project mishaps: 5 ways a construction project management tool can safeguard your project

5 min readJun 20, 2023


Tracking project milestones from anywhere in the world

Building your dream home is an exciting journey but can also be a rollercoaster ride filled with unexpected twists and turns. From selecting the perfect location to overseeing the intricate construction process, numerous factors exist to consider when embarking on a new project.

This complexity becomes even more daunting for individuals miles away from their building site, such as those living abroad with a burning desire to build in their home country.

For many people in this situation, keeping tabs on the progress and ensuring seamless management of their projects can be time-consuming and challenging. They rely solely on constant texts and phone calls to gather updates, which often prove inadequate and unreliable. A project management tool becomes the absolute game-changer in this situation.

Imagine the scenario of an African woman residing overseas who had a passionate wish to construct a house in her homeland. Following a rational course of action, she sent money to her trusted family members to purchase a plot of land. She even diligently set aside funds every month for the construction work. However, after several months, she received devastating news — her family had carelessly squandered all the money without even acquiring a single piece of land. It was an unimaginable disappointment. Placing complete trust in her loved ones, she had neglected to monitor the project closely.

This heartbreaking incident could have been entirely avoided had she utilised a project management tool to streamline and supervise the building process. Such tools offer indispensable benefits to anyone involved in the construction industry, regardless of location or circumstances.

In this insightful blog post, we will explore five crucial ways the right project management tool can empower you to achieve your construction goals. Drawing inspiration from the unfortunate experience of our diaspora heroine, we’ll refer to her as Folake for this discussion. By understanding Folake’s journey, we can shed light on the transformative potential of project management tools and their remarkable impact on safeguarding your project.

Remote project monitoring

Remote project monitoring is a challenging endeavour, especially for construction projects. Folake’s personal experience is a poignant reminder of the difficulties that arise without proper oversight. Entrusting her family with her building project ultimately led to its failure due to a lack of diligent monitoring.

Had Folake utilised a reliable project management tool, she would have gained access to regular, real-time updates on crucial aspects such as land acquisition, construction milestones, and finances. These timely updates would have allowed her to detect and address any issues early on, ensuring the smooth progress of her project and avoiding the unfortunate mishap of not acquiring the land.

An effective project management tool should offer features such as real-time progress tracking, seamless document sharing, and efficient communication channels. These functionalities enable stakeholders to remain informed, regardless of their physical location.

Streamlined communication and collaboration

Furthermore, poor communication was one of the main reasons behind Folake’s project failure. Effective and clear communication is indispensable for successful construction projects, especially when managing them remotely. Coordinating and collaborating with various individuals becomes more challenging in such circumstances.

Fortunately, a construction project management tool is a powerful solution by providing a centralised system for communication and collaboration. These tools allow all project participants to share relevant information, updates, and feedback easily. If Folake had employed a project management tool, she would have been promptly informed about the land purchase and the commencement of construction. Real-time updates from all involved parties would have kept her well informed, facilitating seamless feedback sharing when necessary.

By leveraging a project management tool for communication and collaboration, Folake’s project could have progressed smoothly, meeting and exceeding her expectations.

Efficient budget and expense management

Efficiently managing your finances during a construction project is critical to ensuring its success. This task becomes even more daunting when you’re physically distant and entrust someone else to oversee the financial aspects. Unfortunately, Folake learned this lesson the hard way when her family recklessly depleted the funds allocated for her house project.

A construction project management tool can transform budget and expense management into a seamless process. By leveraging the right tool, you can closely monitor your budget and track how funds are allocated to various project resources. You can conveniently categorise expenses, such as land acquisition, materials, and labour, facilitating expense tracking, spending control, and informed financial decision-making.

Effective documentation and record-keeping

Documentation and record-keeping are vital in ensuring accountability and problem-solving throughout a construction project. Accessing essential documents and images that capture every milestone is imperative regardless of location. Unfortunately, in Folake’s case, the lack of documented milestones exacerbated her project’s failure.

An effective construction project management tool offers a centralised platform for sharing and organising all critical project documents, including contracts, drawings, receipts, and images. By digitising these resources, you can access them from anywhere, keeping you well-informed and prepared. Furthermore, these tools enable you to track changes, document project progress, and create a comprehensive record of every event. This meticulous record-keeping proves invaluable for future analysis and dispute resolution.

Task and timeline management

Staying updated on project tasks and adhering to timelines can seem impossible. However, with the right project management tool, you can effortlessly track ongoing tasks and monitor their completion status. These tools provide features such as task assignment, progress tracking, and milestone setting. Utilising a construction project management tool to manage your project’s tasks and timeline can ensure a smoother workflow and proactively prevent delays.

The transformative power of a construction project management tool is undeniable. By efficiently managing project tasks and timelines, these tools pave the way for smoother workflows and eliminate costly delays.

Folake’s story resonates with many diasporans who have faced similar challenges. However, thanks to advancements in digital technology, remote project management is now more accessible than ever.

At Kólé, we understand the unique need to manage construction projects from afar. That’s why we are diligently working towards creating a centralised platform that encompasses all the essential features required to manage construction projects across the globe seamlessly. Our vision is to empower individuals like you to have complete control and oversight, regardless of their physical location.




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