Geographic Arbitrage — Powerful Shortcut To F.I.?

Get Lost Blue
Prosperity Pathfinder
6 min readOct 15, 2023


If you are working towards Financial Independence, Geographic Arbitrage can be a powerful tool. Arbitrage is a fancy word for taking advantage of the differences in markets, buying or selling the same thing in different places that is to your benefit. Geographic arbitrage is basically changing your physical location to your financial benefit.

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Sounds sophisticated, right? Well, the idea is actually rather simple, however, the implementation, is not always easy. Below is more about the ins and outs of Geographic Arbitrage, as well how I am implementing it in my Financial Independence journey.

Save More or Stretch Further

Image sourced from Canva

What is the Geographic Arbitrage strategy? It is essentially living somewhere that money ‘goes farther’ than in the place where you earn it. This can be either actively or passively earned money. For example, you earn a Silicon Valley tech guru wage, but you live in rural Indiana.

Or, your investments are in US dollars, and you use them to live in very affordable Thailand. Basically, you want to take advantage of lower cost of living places, while simultaneously taking advantage of…



Get Lost Blue
Prosperity Pathfinder

I write about how to have a truly prosperous life. I help people escape the cubicle, invite freedom and adventure through mastering finances. And I get lost.