Tips for Buying the Perfect Cheerleading Poms

5 min readMay 9, 2024
Cheerleading Poms

Cheerleading poms are an iconic part of cheerleading uniforms and performances. The right poms can make all the difference in creating a polished, professional look for cheerleaders. When shopping for new poms, there are several factors to consider to ensure you select the perfect set. Follow these tips to choose poms that complement your squad’s look, meet safety standards, and enhance routines.

Factors to Consider When Buying Cheerleading Poms

Pom Material

Poms are made from a wide variety of materials, each with their pros and cons. Key pom materials include:

  • Vinyl: Vinyl poms are lightweight and durable. When shaken, they make a loud, sharp sound. Vinyl withstands cleaning and maintains its color, but it can become brittle over time.
  • Microfiber: Microfiber is a soft, pliable material that creates a full, visually appealing pom. However, it does not create as loud a sound as vinyl and wears out more quickly.
  • Metallic: Metallic poms contain glittery metallic strands interwoven with vinyl or microfiber. They provide sparkle and shine. The glitter can rub off during use.

Consider factors like cost, durability, and performance needs when selecting material.

Pom Size

Pom size greatly impacts look and functionality. Standard sizes include:

  • Small (4" ): Best for younger cheerleaders. Easier to manipulate. It can look skimpy at a distance.
  • Medium (5" ): The most common size. Provides good visibility and ease of use.
  • Large (7" +): Make a bold visual statement. It is difficult for smaller cheerleaders to handle. It can be heavy.

Choose a size appropriate for your cheerleaders’ ages and abilities. Larger poms work for school spirit rallies, while smaller ones are better for stunt work.

Pom Color

Pick poms in your school colors to show spirit. White poms give a classic, crisp look. Bold colors like red or metallic poms create visual impact.

Consider versatility when selecting colors. Multi-color or neutral poms allow for more combinations in uniforms and routines.

Number of Strands

More strands create fuller, fluffier poms with more visual appeal. Fewer strands are lighter and easier to manipulate.

Younger cheerleaders often use two-strand poms, while older squads typically opt for fuller 4-strand or 6-strand poms. More strands also create more sound.

Attached Handles

Pom handles let cheerleaders easily grip and manipulate the poms. Look for sturdy handles with secure stitching.

Some poms have interchangeable handles in school colors. This allows coordinating handles with uniform accents for a cohesive look.

Cheer Pom Safety Considerations

Along with aesthetics, prioritize safety when selecting cheerleading poms:

  • Avoid rigid sticks: Metal or hard plastic pom sticks pose a risk of eye injuries. Opt for flexible vinyl sticks instead.
  • Check for secure attachments: Pom strands should be tightly secured to the handles. Loose attachments can come undone and cause falls.
  • Prioritize flimsiness over thickness: Very thick pom strands are heavy and difficult to maneuver. Light, thinner strands are ideal for safety.
  • Select soft microfiber: Microfiber is lighter and gentler than stiff vinyl. It gives way if accidentally brushed against someone’s face or head.
  • Supervise younger cheerleaders: Younger kids should use 2-strand poms. Closely supervise pom use to avoid injuries.

Keeping safety at the forefront of your mind when selecting poms helps minimize risks for your cheerleaders.

Tips for Affording Quality Cheerleading Poms

With proper care, cheerleading poms can last through years of use. But quality poms have a cost. Use these tips to get the best poms while sticking to your budget:

  • Buy in bulk: Purchasing poms in large quantities often results in discounts from vendors and manufacturers. It also ensures consistent matching sets.
  • Ask about multi-strand discounts. Some brands offer discounted pricing for poms with four strands or more compared to two strands.
  • Inquire about “seconds”: Minor cosmetic defects allow poms to be sold as discounted seconds. The defects don’t affect functionality.
  • Shop end-of-season: Check for clearance sales at the end of cheer season, when stores are clearing out their inventory.
  • Buy blank poms: Plain white poms without school colors are often significantly cheaper. Add DIY trim in custom colors.
  • Sell old poms: Recoup costs by selling gently used poms to younger cheer squads.

With smart shopping strategies, you can purchase great poms even with a limited budget.

Finding the Best Places to Purchase Cheerleading Poms

Where you purchase your poms impacts price, selection, and convenience. Here are great places to shop for cheer poms:

  • Cheerleading specialty retailers: Companies like Getpoms offer the biggest selections and latest styles. You pay for the convenience.
  • Online discount retailers: Sites like Amazon and Discount Dance Supply have lower prices but fewer pom choices.
  • Local dance shops: Nearby dancewear shops may carry poms along with leotards, shoes, and other gear. Selection is limited, but you can inspect poms in person.
  • School fundraising companies: Fundraising pom campaigns allow you to buy poms and earn profits for your squad at the same time. Selection is limited.
  • Manufacturer direct sales: Buying directly from pom manufacturers can provide the lowest prices. MOQ (minimum order quantity) may be required.

Shop around to find the ideal balance of pom selection, price, and service for your needs. Don’t underestimate convenience — saving on shipping costs and time makes a difference.

Caring for Your Cheerleading Poms

No matter where you purchase them, proper pom care ensures your poms last. Follow these maintenance tips:

  • Hand wash poms in mild detergent and shake dry. Avoid machine washing and drying.
  • Spot clean poms using a damp cloth for stains or marks.
  • Store poms on sturdy hooks rather than crammed into bags to prevent strand damage.
  • Fluff and shake poms out regularly to avoid matting and to maintain fullness.
  • Replace loose or damaged handles and strands promptly. Check for damage after each use.
  • Consider covers for outdoor use or rain. Water can permanently damage poms.
  • Rotate pom use and budget for replacements each year as needed.

With the right care, your poms will hold up well throughout the cheer season and beyond.

Key Takeaways

  • Base your pom purchases on factors like cheerleader age, routine needs, durability, and budget.
  • Prioritize safety first when selecting pom materials and construction.
  • Shop smart by buying in bulk, comparing prices, and considering convenience.
  • Provide proper maintenance and storage to extend the life of your poms.

By following these tips when buying poms, you’ll find options that are both affordable and allow your cheer team to put on a flawless performance.




Getpoms is located in Dallas, Texas That Provides pom poms: Big and small, For women and kids, and in thousands of color combinations.