10 Side Gigs You Can Start Doing Right Now

3 min readJul 17, 2017


Job searching is hard, especially when you combine the stress of finding a job with financial strain. It can seem impossible to get through a job search without finding an additional source of income, and sometimes that’s the reality. Although we always say that a job search is like a full-time job, and while it’s important to dedicate the large majority of your energy to finding permanent work, in some cases it’s necessary, and even enjoyable, to begin looking for extra cash elsewhere.

There are some easy ways to earn fast money, like selling your collectibles on eBay or taking part in medical studies, but these aren’t exactly resume-building activities. However, what if we said there was a way to take on a side gig that would actually help build relevant skill sets? Everyone is good at something, and even if your hobby or talent doesn’t coincide with your profession, there is always a way to utilize the things you enjoy doing to both make money and become a more well-rounded professional.

In order to help spark some ideas for side gigs, we’ve listed 10 potential temp job ideas to make extra money below that you may not have even known existed. In reality, you’d be surprised by what some people would be willing to pay good money for — and you might even be more surprised by how many profitable skills you have! Check out these freelance or part-time jobs that you can do from the comfort of your own home:

  • City-Guide Writer — Yes, you can get paid to travel, and no, it’s not always a scam. Especially if you’re familiar with a popular city in your surrounding area, tourism businesses and even real estate agents will pay good money for your expertise to share the best restaurants and activities with their customers!
  • Project Assistant — The title “Project Assistant” can mean literally anything, and if you have a Bachelor’s degree, there’s a good chance that a company in your field will be hiring for this position. You may find yourself assisting with anything from troubleshooting project issues to analyzing data — time to hone those skills.
  • Online Communications Associate — If you know anything about managing social media or writing content (attn: bloggers!), this part-time position would be for you. It’s a great option for those who need to build a portfolio with social media or writing samples, and it can typically be done from anywhere.
  • Video Reviewer — For the teacher looking for a summer gig or in-between jobs, your skills are still incredibly important, even when you’re not teaching. In order to ensure effective education, teachers around the world submit videos of themselves lecturing to others who then evaluate their performance. So sit back with some popcorn and get working!
  • Calligraphy Artist — Yes, people will pay you money for this beautiful coveted talent! Getting paid $50 to utilize your skills to write someone’s name? Sounds good to us.
  • Website Flipper — Have a knack for web design? Luckily for you, websites are incredibly important for brands, so they’ll splurge for a good looking website. That’s where you come in.
  • Patent Researcher — Have prior research experience? Need more for your resume? Here’s a great article about the process of patent research. (Warning: You may feel like a super cool detective doing this job.)
  • Group Cruise Planner — Some people hate planning vacations, so cruise lines will actually pay you commission to do it for them! If you’re always the one planning vacations for your group of friends, this could be the perfect side-gig for you.
  • Online Consultant or Coach — When people want to learn about something, they usually know the best way to do it. Some people learn well from reading, others by doing. Then you’ve got those individuals who learn best from other human beings — much like how many job searchers choose to hire mentors. And we know you have something to teach others!
  • Crafter — Who says your hobby can’t make you money? If you like to create beautiful things, don’t be afraid to put them up for sale on a website such as Etsy. Handmade items are super popular right now.

On your way to find a new side-gig? Don’t forget to download Rake to make the process easier!

Originally published at Rake.




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