How to Continue Learning Throughout Your Career — And Why it’s So Important

3 min readNov 6, 2017


Whether you’ve recently graduated from college or you’ve been out of school for many years, you’re probably a bit (or very!) grateful to have ended the part of your life spent in classrooms, writing essays, etc. However, it’s important to realize that even after graduation, we never really stop learning. If you’re currently employed (or have been in the past), think about the last time you learned a new way to use Microsoft Excel, for example. Exciting? Perhaps not, but definitely useful. If you’re a recent graduate or even still a student, consider how essential your education has been — and will be — when it comes to applying for jobs. Sometimes, a good course or two can change our lives.

After we graduate college, it’s inevitable that we will be learning less. However, it’s extremely important that we don’t use the current state of our lives as an excuse to abandon learning altogether — especially when we’re in the process of looking for a new job.

Learning new things seems to go hand in hand with living, but it’s essential that we take it upon ourselves to exercise our brains to keep them agile as we age. Plus, it doesn’t matter whether we work to expand our knowledge in the field we work in or in something totally different. Employers like to see intelligence, skills, and even hobbies, so learning a new craft totally counts.

Luckily, after graduation, learning no longer has to mean writing papers and getting a grade. Quite the contrary! There are endless opportunities out there for anyone who wants to learn something new — all you have to do is choose one. Here are some of the best ways to expand your mind and continue learning throughout your career:

Take Some (Free) Online Courses

Don’t think you can afford to take online courses offered by schools like Harvard and MIT? Think again! edX is a website created for individuals who want to learn — well, basically anything, and do it for free. Courses range from robotics to soft skills, a class in which professors from top tier schools will teach you essential skills that employers are looking for. Believe us, you can’t go wrong here.

Sign Up For Workshops — In Basically Anything!

Especially if you live in a big city, there are always countless numbers of workshops being offered in basically anything you can think of, every day. Attending workshops is a great way to not only learn something new (or hone skills you already have), but also to practice working alongside other human beings — and perhaps making some friends along the way! Workshops make for great stories during interviews, especially if you learned something relevant to the position.

Listen to Podcasts

The way we see it, podcasts are easily the most underrated learning opportunities, because they demand so little from the listener. Think about it: You could be commuting on the subway, folding laundry or taking a walk, and still learning something! Whether you want to become more educated on a certain topic like science, or if you simply want to learn about current politics or philosophies, there’s a podcast for you.

Download Some Apps!

Many apps have been developed to help adults continue learning, and the truth is, they can be a lot of fun! One of our favorite apps is Duolingo, which has helped us learn new languages. Educational apps range in subject from things like coding to social skills. We promise, they weren’t lying when they said learning can be fun. And while you’re downloading that new app, don’t forget to also download Rake to help simplify your job search. Here’s to learning something new!

Originally published at Rake.




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