How do I change the way I love my beloved ?

Mandy Walks
3 min readJun 13, 2018


Great are those who love all their life

Tsk, today’s relationships are delicate as a flower!

If you remember my previous post, it was about my friend and her hubby and how they almost let their marriage oaths slip down the drain. Luckily, somehow my talks clicked off somewhere down the line. And yes, I am happy because they gave it a try once more.

You enter that house now, and their kids are sure to bring a beautiful smile on your face. Truly, you feel so good inside! The house is messy, there is chaos all over, but life moves on and Tom and Lisa have gone past the stage of bringing up silly fights in life.

Still, deep down I think — there are still many couples who are confused and troubled over their relationships.

Are you going through a troubled relationship now?

Or may be you know someone?

If you do, then I recommend that you sit and talk with them. Sometimes, in the midst of anger, people forget the love they had had in the past. We just need to keep them calm and remind them.

Life is a long journey. There are ups and downs, harsh waves that hit down, but hold on and you will find the sweetness of that relationship at the far end of this tunnel of life.

Now, if you are personally going through a hard time, I think you both need to slow down a bit.

Change Hurt into Love

Hurt is always hurt, I do know that. But we can change it.

Let me tell you how:

Good diets is crucial

You need a balanced detox diet to get your body system under control. Drink lots of water, eat fresh fruits, and indulge in a few desserts together. It will do good, Spend more time preparing dinner together. Try new recipes, and that builds in better relations.

Self Care is important

Yes, this is the next point I would like to tell you. It is very important that you look after your mind and body. When you feel good about yourself, it reflects in the way you deal with people who live around you.

Forgiveness is vital

Now, this is one point of reality that you must realize in life. Let go of your stubbornness and ease down that anger. Both of you have to adjust a bit. Anger is a horrid phenomenon. Once it hits your mind, there is no control. Instead relax a bit and do the talking and explaining later!

What’s next?

Life is too small to fight away and grind your teeth with your family.

When things get out of hand, leave the venue right at that time.

Come back and sort it out before going to bed.

That is a must.. I feel.

How is it now?

This is a no love land in most parts of the world. From war, grief, terrorism and exorcism, you will face the worst always.

But shed a light on the lives of people around you. That will be enough to brighten the light of their lives too.

Move along and prove that Love can exist in all situations!



Mandy Walks

Hi, There. Am a writer on the go! I love to observe and pass on my insights on just about anything that gets involved with my life. So, welcome!