All You Need To Know About an STD Test In Dubai

Gettested Qwik
4 min readApr 22, 2024


Sexually active individuals who have several partners are often encouraged to undergo regular STD testing. Anyone can have a disease without realizing it as some diseases have no symptoms. Therefore, it is crucial to have STD testing and engage in safe sexual behavior. If not, there is a danger that your partners will catch infection and spread it to others. STDs are treatable, but they don’t usually show symptoms making it difficult to spot. Infertility is one of the major outcomes of untreated complications. Sexually transmitted infections may potentially result from them. Thus, STD testing is crucial, especially if you have several partners.

STD test Dubai

Continue reading to learn about STDs, tests, and the benefits of getting tested on time.

What is an STD?

Sexually transmitted diseases are contracted through any type of sexual contact and are caused by bacteria, viruses, and parasites. Severe burning or itching sensations may arise from them. Some STDs only show symptoms when tested for, making them asymptomatic. Therefore, it is critical that they get tested as soon as possible because STDs can endanger a lot of lives. An STD can develop from a sexually transmitted infection (STI) if symptoms or clinical signs appear.

As previously explained, testing is essential to slowing the spread of STIs since many infections can lack symptoms. In contrast, a disease typically exhibits more pronounced signs or symptoms.

Who wants to be tested for STDs?

Being tested for STIs is a good idea if you have engaged in sexual activity. Get tested as well if:

  • You are going to start dating someone else
  • You both have many partners
  • You and your partner are considering any barrier methods of birth control.
  • One of the spouses is cheating.
  • If you have been enforced into having sex against your choice
  • You exhibit symptoms that could indicate a sexually transmitted infection.

Why Take a Test?

Over time, the number of STD cases in the city has begun to increase. Most individuals are ignorant about the signs, dangers, and ways to avoid these illnesses. Its spread is largely due to this ignorance.

It is crucial to get tested to stop the spread of STDs because, in some cases, these illnesses can produce symptoms even before they manifest. However, it is critical to address and manage public health issues before promoting an STD test Dubai. Most doctors say that people with STDs worry about facing legal consequences, and so steer out of testing. Additionally, a lot of people decide not to get tested since STDs are disgraced.

What does an STD test include?

You might receive any of the following tests, depending on the kind of infection that is suspected:

  • Swab testing

It is meant to identify herpes, gonorrhoeic, chlamydia, and HPV. During this test, the professionals take a sample from the infection area using a specific swab.

  • Spinal taps, or lumbar punctures

Although this is not a common STD test, your doctor might prescribe it. It is done to see if you have an advanced case of syphilis or if you have a herpes infection that has impacted your brain or spinal cord.

This test won’t hurt you because an anesthetic will be put into your back. Once the area has become numb, the expert will place a thin, hollow needle between two lower spine vertebrae. After that, the practitioner will remove a tiny volume of fluid for analysis.

  • Urine and Blood test

The patient must provide a urine sample or blood samples for the tests.

The future for STD Testing and Awareness Campaigns

Better medications, quicker diagnosis and findings, and testing kit innovations are all anticipated developments in STD testing in the future. However, the stigma associated with it still stands in the way of getting tested or receiving treatment. It is critical to keep running efforts for education and awareness about the dangers of STDs.

Furthermore, treating STDs is still difficult in Dubai due to the city’s predominantly transient population. To make sure everyone is secure, it would be good to monitor visitor medical histories.

A test on time can save your health

Since STDs don’t often show symptoms, even if you and your partner appear healthy, you could still become infected or spread the infection. Thus, if your risk of infection is higher, you may require an STD screening test. Moreover, private and public healthcare facilities are well-known for an STD test Dubai. There are several options for STD testing and treatment, as well as government clinics, private hospitals, and diagnostic services. Many obtain at-home lab testing in Dubai for greater convenience, privacy, and secrecy. Whenever in doubt, don’t hesitate to get tested as it will save you and your spouse from future complications. Furthermore, precaution is better than cure so follow the basic safety rules to prevent STDs.



Gettested Qwik

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