The Night Before!

2 min readJan 8, 2019


The 12-hour countdown.

Can you all feel it?

It has been a year of countless hours pouring ourselves into this idea.

And tomorrow we finally have a product to put into users hands!!!

Check back in tomorrow for all the celebration!!!

Info to know:

v1.0 will be launching on our website and on the Google Play store. Now I know what you’re thinking “what about IOS?!” No fear for all you Apple users, you can use our platform simply by using our website. IOS users will notice no difference by using Trof within your mobile browser. Trust us, we’ll be working towards getting Trof on the Apple App Store asap in the months to come!

“If you’re not embarrassed by the first version of your product, you’ve launched too late.” — Reid Hoffman

Now we aren’t saying we’re embarrassed with Trof v1.0 at all, we just want to be extremely transparent with our users. This is v1.0, so there will likely be bugs. The platform might not be as smooth and sexy as other apps you use day-to-day either. This is our v1.0, which is commonly referred to as an “MVP” in the startup world. As time goes on and we gain more users Trof will begin to change how it looks and operates. This is where you as a user have a lot of power and control. The more users we get and the more feedback we receive the more we can make updates to Trof. All of us at Trof ask as time goes by please let us know what bugs you are running into. Tell us what you like and don’t like! Tell us what is working and what is just not your jive! We will work as hard and as fast as we can to update the platform and make it as smooth as possible for our users.

We will be using our Twitter and Facebook heavily after launch to engage with users for feedback. We highly encourage you to follow us on at least one platform and tell us how you feel!

Lastly, if you ever want to get a hold of us with all those pressing comments? Or to tell us we are awesome and you appreciate us? (is this fishing for compliments a little too heavily?) Follow us on Instagram and leave us a review on Facebook or the Google Play Store!




Hey 👋 We’re a new app 📲 that connects you with new people who have similar interests at local restaurants! 🌮 Start connecting now @ 🕺