Human Resource Management: Definition, Objectives, Features

3 min readMay 31, 2023


What is Human Resource Management?

Human Resource Management is the planning organizing, directing, and controlling of the procurement, developments, compensation, integration and maintenance, and separation of human resources to the end that individual, organizational and societal objectives are accomplished.

Definition of Human Resource Management

  1. Human Resource Management (HRM) is a series of integrated decisions that form the employment relationship; their quality contributes to the ability of the organizations and the employees to achieve their objectives.” By George Terry
  2. Human Resource Management (HRM) as “planning, organizing, directing, controlling of procurement, development, compensation, integration, maintenance, and separation of human resources to the end that individual, organizational and social objectives are achieved. By Edwin Flippo

Objectives of Human Resource Management

The following are the objectives of human resource management:

  1. Societal Objectives
  2. Organizational Objectives
  3. Functional Objectives
  4. Personal Objectives

Societal Objectives

The societal objectives of Human Resource Management make the organization ethically and socially responsible for the needs and challenges of society and reduce the negative impact of such demands on the organization.

This is very essential as, if an organization does not use the resources of the society in an ethical manner, the society may restrict the smooth functioning of the organization.

So, Human Resource Management provides a way in which the resources of the society are used by the organization in such a manner that is beneficial to both the society and the organization.

Organizational Objectives

The organizational objectives of Human Resource Management recognize that it is a means to assist the organization in achieving its objectives.

It recognizes that the function of Human Resource Management is to increase the effectiveness of the organization by searching and providing the right type of employee for a job in an organization which contributes towards the achievement of the objectives of the organization.

So, the Human Resources Department is out there to provide services to all the other departments of the organization.

Functional Objectives

The functional objectives of Human Resource Management establish the role of the Human Resources Department in maintaining the appropriate level of contribution that it can make towards the organization.

The need for Human Resources is formulated according to the demand of the organization. There is a wastage of resources if the Human Resources Department is more or less sophisticated.

The level of services provided by the Human Resources Department should be altered as per the needs of the organization.

Personal Objectives

The personal objectives of Human Resource Management facilitate that employees in achieving their personal goals. The personal objectives of the workers should be preserved, maintained, and nurtured.

This will ensure that the employees remain satisfied and this would reduce employee turnover. Failure to do so, employee satisfaction will reduce which might affect their performance which in turn might increase employee turnover.

Features of Human Resource Management

The following are the features of Human Resource Management that could be identified:

  1. People Oriented
  2. Individual Oriented
  3. Continuous Function
  4. Pervasive Function
  5. Challenging Function
  6. Based on Human Relations

People Oriented

Human Resource Management is concerned with employees as both individuals and groups who are working towards achieving the goals of the organization. It is concerned with the improvement of the Quality of Work Life of employees working at all levels of the organization.

Individual Oriented

Human Resource Management is concerned with the development of each and every employee working in the organization by developing their skills, knowledge, capabilities, and potentialities which help in training the goals of the employees as well as the objectives of the organization.

Continuous Function

Human Resource Management is a continuous and never-ending process. There is a constant need in the organization to improve the skills of the employees and ensure that the employees are satisfied. Due to this, Human Resources Department has to work continuously in this regard.

Read Full Article Here: Human Resource Management: Definition, Objectives, Features, Functions, Process, Importance, Difference

