What Dog Used to Eat Before Dog Food?

2 min readSep 6, 2018


There are many stories and beliefs about the time when humans domesticated the dogs. However, there rarely any solid proofs to it. But we all agree on this thing that, human ancestors dwelled around the water source and hunted for food.

In addition to that, the wild animals crossed their paths with that of the humans for leftovers especially the dogs. After which, due to their loyal and tameable temperament humans might have started to use them for guarding purposes.

Likewise, the dogs in the modern era had a habit of eating the human food which their master provided. This is the time well before the packed dog food came into existence. Additionally, humans being the omnivore creature fed on not only vegetarian but also non-vegetarian.

In addition to that, they fed the dogs the leftover or the same meal they used to eat. That means the dogs had a habit of eating the human food or some hunt once in a blue moon before pet food existed.

Moreover, the packed dog foods saw the light of the Sun during the late 18th Century. After which the demand of the pet food kept on increasing in the urban areas where pet parents wanted to have the premium and convenient meal options for their pooches.

Hence, the dogs were not on their own depending on the hunt before the pet food came into the market. There were human societies which fed and made dwelling provisions for them in the alleys. Thus, for a long time, humans have nurtured the dogs.




I will let you know everything about dog food i.e. wet and dry