Dark Night Fatigue: Coping with Spiritual Exhaustion


The journey of spiritual awakening is often depicted as a serene and enlightening path. However, many and I can attest, who embark on this journey encounter a phenomenon known as the “Dark Night of the Soul,” a period of intense inner turmoil and profound existential fatigue. This experience, while challenging, can be a crucial phase of personal growth and transformation. It is the most difficult time in fact it has felt like an obstacle course that I have no energy to get through. Today, as I write, I am utterly exhausted.

Feelings of despair, confusion, and isolation are common. The individual may feel disconnected from their previous beliefs and sense of identity. I have gone through elements of this, for years studying esoteric teachings and still feel a bit connected, but have my own personal feelings on God now and it has been a 360 degree change. That has been eye opening to say the least. There are times where I want to give up and sleep and days that I am determined. I do feel an overwhelming sense of isolation and for the past 4 years really felt somewhat imprisoned. Either gas was too high to get out an about or there was a total lack of money. It has been the hardest four years of my life.

Mental and emotional exhaustion seem to drive the physical. I find that I may just need to get in the sun, sleep or meditate. I have suffered various degrees in each category yet have a feeling that I am being guided. What I was doing before was not working for me, I guess and this is and has been a reset of sorts. One world disintigrating while another is being born. Super simple tasks like going to the grocery store are arduous for me lately. Mental fog or a feeling that your mind is reeling in various directions with a sense of panic. I find there are some ways to deal with it.

Meditation and self-care are paramount during this time. It could be stepping away from something that is irritating you. Walking away from people or things that upset you. I have developed a bit of a tick with breathing and making deep sighs. I came across an article that spoke that this actually helps the nervous system and I am doing it and have been doing this so automatically, without knowing. This video is the one that I discovered that helped me understand this.

Grounding techniques can be helpful get in some water and release negativity or plant your barefeet in the grass and ground to the earth. I find that if I do this or sleep, which is when we heal the most you can feel somewhat better. I am a practicing faster, so not a recommend until you do research how to do this and consult with teachers or medical that is open to it. It took me years to practice and I am getting ready for a longer one than I have done in the past. Your body is pretty amazing and I reached heights of great clarity when I have practiced. It is time again. Every fast is different and is a deep cleanse and some of mine have been emotional, painful, easy, just depends. I would consult with a medical expert before going into one.

If things become too overwhelming seek help, spiritual teachers will understand the Dark Night or should, but Doctors or Medical professionals may call it depression and just want to throw pills. If this resonates, there are groups and people out there, seek them out and hopefully my blog guides you in some fashion. I am in it right now so I can tell you it is not fun and it is difficult, but doing the easy does not get you anywhere.

The Dark Night of the Soul, while profoundly challenging, can lead to significant personal growth and spiritual awakening. It is often in the depths of this experience that individuals find a renewed sense of purpose, clarity, and connection to their higher self.

By embracing the process with patience and self-compassion, you can emerge from the Dark Night with greater resilience and a deeper understanding of your true nature. Remember, this too shall pass, and on the other side lies a more authentic and empowered version of yourself.


Ways to help me share my posts so others can be helped that are going through this.



The Path of the Sage -Dark Night Discovery

I am someone who died and is being reborn, I not yet sure of who I am yet but I am a force to be reckoned with https://tinyurl.com/744bz5p8 You tube