The Ego Death aka Dark Night


Ego death, a profound and transformative experience, has fascinated spiritual seekers, psychologists, and philosophers for centuries. This state of consciousness, where the individual self dissolves into a broader awareness, can be both enlightening and challenging. To understand ego death, we must delve into its origins, experiences, and the profound impact it can have on personal growth and spiritual awakening.

The concept of the ego originates from psychoanalytic theory, most notably from the work of Sigmund Freud. Freud described the ego as the part of the psyche that mediates between our instinctual desires (the id), our moral and societal standards (the superego), and the external world. In simpler terms, the ego is our sense of self, the “I” that navigates daily life.

In many spiritual traditions, the ego is viewed as the false self, the part of us that clings to identity, roles, and separateness from others. This perspective is particularly prominent in Eastern philosophies like Buddhism and Hinduism, where transcending the ego is seen as a crucial step toward enlightenment.

Ego death is often described as a state where the boundaries of the self dissolve, leading to a sense of oneness with the universe or a higher consciousness. This experience can occur spontaneously, through deep meditation, psychedelic experiences, near-death experiences, or intense emotional crises. In my case, it was deep financial ruin. As I write this now I have about $100 and a stack of bills that I am unable to pay. I have a home for this month. I have been financially taken down, but I still have my spirit. I have a fundraiser below if you can assist.

In my ego death I am experiencing a dissolving of me. The sense of being a separate individual fades away. There is no “me” or “mine,” only a vast, interconnected existence. Little by little I am disappearing and it takes a toll. I have even wondered if I already died. I have literally applied to over one thousand jobs since becoming unemployed with only a few interviews and I have experienced rejection on a level one has never seen. Another interesting experience I have had is time seems to blend into almost an eternal now.

I have been fighting for my life and I think at this moment, I have reached a surrender period. I see my partner still pushing but I am coming to an acceptance that this is the end of something, but the beginning of something else. I am still standing and still getting through. It has been a bit of a bitter pill for sure. The Ego will fight and does not want to leave.

What happens when the ego dies? I am still going through it but I have learned that there is a untiy consciousness where it all comes together. Pain and Pleasure, hate and love and I am getting glimpses of this because I am going through forgiveness still.

I am learning that having greater compassion is a side effect of this experience and mine grows everyday. No fear of physical death is another and I am already there. I do feel a sense of being looked after in all this, well guarded by a spiritual team. The journey through ego death is not without challenges. The loss of my familiar self can lead to an existential crisis or a sense of meaninglessness. Integrating the experience into daily life requires time, patience, and often guidance from experienced Masters in my case I have them coming through in various ways.

It’s important to approach ego death with an open heart and mind, recognizing that the journey is unique for each individual. The dissolution of the ego is not an end but a transformation, a rebirth into a more expansive way of being although it feels like the end remember that.

Ego death is a profound and transformative experience that challenges our fundamental understanding of self and reality. While it can be daunting, it offers the possibility of profound personal growth, deeper compassion, and spiritual awakening. By embracing the journey beyond the self, we open ourselves to the infinite possibilities of existence, transcending the limitations of the ego and discovering the boundless nature of oneself or should I say all that is.

I will keep you posted along the way -I vow to be completely open about my experience in order to help others.

Please share and follow my journey and there are ways to help below:



The Dark Night Journey personal discovery

I am someone who died and is being reborn, I not yet sure of who I am yet but I am a force to be reckoned with-I am the the Calm before the storm.