Zyme Pro — Diagnose your car’s engine like a pro!

Zyme — Car | Meet | Smart
3 min readFeb 6, 2019


Zyme Pro — Engine Diagnostics

A healthy and well-tuned engine ensures smooth driving and economical maintenance in long term. Whats more is that the engine noise, rumble, heating and other native properties are an equal part of your ride as the interiors of the car. Thus it is imperative that the engine is well maintained and constantly monitored for any faults.

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Before the computerization of the car’s components, identifying problems was time-consuming and expensive but now computerized car components can detect a problem long before it causes any breakdown. This computational integration makes it easy for car owners and service station executives to detect the accurate problem within car’s engine, transmission, exhaust system, brakes, and other major components, as well as performance issues with the fuel injector, air flow and coolant.However, this boon is rarely used for ongoing car health monitoring and only used when your car is brought to the service station.

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With Zyme Pro, you can now keep tabs on your car’s engine health anytime and from anywhere (Screenshot 2). Whats best is that you do not even need to be around your car to run a vehicle diagnostic via our application. Our device scans individual car systems under the below mentioned 6 categories and systematically populates any error codes present in the car (Screenshot 3)

  • TRANSMISSION — Transmission adapts power output of the internal combustion engine and transfers it to the drive wheels through gear box.
  • AIR AND FUEL METER: — A perfect composited ratio of the air and fuel injected into the engine is necessary to produce maximum power output and less pollution.
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  • SPEED CONTROL UNIT: — This unit controls speed, engine rpm is monitored by the crankshaft position which schedules engine timing functions for fuel injection, spark events, and valve timing.
  • AUXILIARY EMISSIONS: — This term refers to a system that senses temperature, speed, engine RPM, transmission gear, or any other parameter for the purpose of activating, delaying or deactivating the operation of any part of the emission control system.
  • IGNITION SYSTEM: — This term refers to a system that is an array of components that are all involved in the process of igniting the air/fuel mixture in an internal combustion engine.
  • COMPUTER OUTPUT UNIT:- This system deals with all the outputs and inputs of your car related to fuel combustion, radio entertainment many other more components and utilities.

This scan takes anywhere between 30 seconds to 120 seconds for completion and can only be initiated when the car is active. This diagnosis has significant advantages for all types of car owners. For those who identify with the DIY culture, it provides them with guidance parameters to steer them to the exact cause of problem in their car. For others, it provides an early indicator for the system with the problem so that it can be rectified by taking the car to the service station before it culminates into something bigger in the car and costs much more to repair.



Zyme — Car | Meet | Smart

Zyme is a smart car device. When plugged into your car it relays all its information on your smartphone and gets you connected to your car in true sense.