9 Best Website Traffic Analysis Tools

12 min readJan 4, 2023


In this article, we purposely listed 9 top and best tools for accurately assessing website traffic analysis. Finding the best tool for your needs can be tricky because there are so many options.

If you think that your website or online business can be successful without proper website traffic measurement and brand competition analysis, you are wrong. But how can you do this?

Millions of Internet users, from small businesses to large corporations, employ website traffic evaluators to segment traffic and effectively use this data to improve the performance of their website and marketing vision.

Website Traffic Analysis
Website Traffic Analysis

What is website traffic analysis?

Website traffic analysis involves collecting and analyzing data about visitors to your website and their actions once they arrive on your website. This information is essential for marketers to implement effective tactics, optimize website traffic and improve conversion rates.

Traffic is no longer the only metric used to verify the success of a business. That’s way we need to have comprehensive website traffic analysis tools to help us make accurate assessments.

How do website traffic analysis tools work?

Website traffic analysis tool view important statistics showing where your website is doing well and where it needs improvement.

These inspection tools scrutinize user behavior on your web pages and display calculated details about important key performance indicators (KPIs).

These KPIs include:

  • Traffic: The number of new and returning visitors to your website, as well as their demographic information.
  • Traffic sources: How users arrive at your site (eg, organic searches, sponsored ads, emails, social media posts).
  • Page Views: The number of times people visit a particular page on a website.
  • Session Duration: The total amount of time visitors spend on your website.
  • Bounce Rate: The percentage of visitors who land on any of your pages and then leave without further interaction with the site.
  • Conversion Rate: The percentage of visitors who interact with a call to action on your website, such as submitting a form or purchasing a product. This interaction is called conversion.
  • Unique Visits: Only counts a person’s first visit, allowing you to separate potential customers from loyal users.
  • Exit Pages: Identify the page where each visitor leaves your site.
Website Traffic Analysis
Website Traffic Analysis

What do website traffic analysis tools measure?

Website traffic analysis tools use the metrics above to measure the performance of your website. The data they collect enables you to compare your performance to your competitors, make sure you’re on the right track.

However, key metrics revolve around Unique Visitors (UVs), Page Views and Traffic Curves.

Monitoring unique visitors will help you determine the number of individuals who view your website pages at least once a month.

For traffic browsing, the duration of each session does matter, depending on the type of website you’re running. For example, this would be a key metric for content-generating sites.

As for traffic curves, they help identify peak hours of audience activity. As a result, you’ll be able to understand when you can expect a surge in traffic to improve your strategy.

The benefits of website traffic analysis

Website traffic analysis tools play a key role in helping you personalize your B2B strategy to match your costumer needs and learn more about your industry competitors.

Here are the top three advantages of use these tools.

Gain insights into website traffic

Website traffic analysis reveals different sources of online traffic, allowing you to determine which marketing model is producing positive business results. You’ll also be able to track the progress of organic and sponsored traffic in real time.

Website Traffic Analysis
Website Traffic Analysis

Improve user experience

Your target customers are your source of profit. In order to successfully market your product or service, a deep understanding of your target costumer base is essential.

Website traffic analysis tools help you determine the types of users who visit your website, their interests, and every action they take on your web page. As a result, you’ll discover how to improve user experience (UX) and gain a clearer picture of how your website is performing.

Consider this question. Are you actually reaching your target audience? Which pages do they stay on the most? Do you have any undiscovered technical issues that keep users away? Are you hitting your ROI goals? How well are you doing in achieving your conversion goals?

Website traffic analysis tools can also help you discover if you are using a trustworthy web host that won’t negatively impact the usability or load times of your web pages, which could damage your brand image.

Improve SEO ranking

Many website traffic analysis solutions include search engine optimization (SEO) tools for improving your website’s ranking on search engine, especially Google. These features let you see how keywords are affecting your SEO and even how much traffic you get from social media platforms.

With the help of these analysis tools, you can make precise changes to improve your SEO status and get recognized on the first page of Google.

Tools for Effective Website Traffic Analysis

1. Semrush

Launched in 2008, Semrush provides online businesses with a complete suite of marketing and accurate website traffic analysis tools.

Semrush helps you measure the performance of your online traffic and domain name by providing complete reports on visits, session time and page views. Additionally, you can analyze the proportion of mobile and desktop traffic and user interactions.

Semrush also lets you check the performance of your competitor’s websites. With key metrics like monthly traffic growth, traffic by country, and key kewyrods, you’ll gain a thorough understanding of how other companies in your industry are doing.

Thus, you will gain insights on different successful marketing strategies and the latest trends. Just enter a URL, domain name or keyword into the search bar and get access to numerous views.

Semrush also allows you to explore lists of indexed pages anda backlinks, as well as a bulk traffic analysis feature to check traffic to several businesses at once. In addition, it provides detailed solutions to optimize your website content and SEO for local and global searches.


You can choose monthly and annual payments for Semrush three price levels. The Professional, Master and Business plans are $119.95, $229.95, and $449.95, respectively. Professional and Master plans are available for a free trial for the first 7 days of purchase.

Semrush also offers a free permanent account with capped features, which is a great option for beginners and startups.

Features of Semrush:

  • Domain Names, Backlinks and Keyword Analysis
  • Track up to 5000 keywords
  • Mobile ranking
  • Can crawl up to 1 million pages per month
  • Link Building, Content Marketing and Social Media Management
  • API access
  • Google Data Studio integration

2. Similarweb

Similarweb is a powerful data platform for monitoring market trends and traffic in real time. It is ideal for growing businesses and large corporations. Popular brands taking advantage of this service include Booking.com, eBay, PepsiCo, Walmart and The Economist.

What’s most notable about Similarweb is that it helps you fully understand everything that’s going on on your website — including where you’re getting the most traffic — through a simple and quick process.

This website traffic analysis checker also gives you a detailed breakdown of your audience, allowing you to see how other websites are doing. You can use it to analyze your visitor’s interests and review conversion analysis reports to generate more leads.

Using the “referer” feature, you can check your affiliates to see which sites direct users to the site and where they go most often after they leave.

On top of that, Similarweb gives you a summary of the publishers and sponsored links your site uses to display ads.


SimilarWeb plans focus on search, affiliate marketing and display. There is also an enterprise package that includes every feature in these tiers.

You can contact the sales team for an accurate quote. There is also a free trial version and a free version with limited functionality.

Features of SimilarWeb:

  • Analysis of companies, applications, audiences, conversions and industries
  • Dashboard and EXCEL export
  • API access
  • Traffic monitoring at global and country level
  • Display ads
  • Affiliate Tracking and SEO Optimization Tools

3. Sitechecker

Sitechecker is a multipurpose SEO analysis solution that enables you to quickly and efficiently track the success of your web property marketing strategy so you can incrementally improve performance.

Sitechecker’s website crawler can assist in finding and — and solving immediately — any and all technical SEO errors to drive more traffic. To help you maintain a healthy website, Sitechecker also lets you check for broken links, examine your site architecture, and explore the best landing page options. Additionally, the built-in Keyword Rank Checker lets you verify your domain’s Google rankings.

While Sitechecker focuses primarily on SEO optimization, it includes a website traffic analysis checker feature that displays comprehensive statistics across various channels and timescales.

If you’re looking for a comprehensive tool for technical SEO audits, on-page SEO boosters, and keyword trackers, Sitechecker is worth checking out.


Sitechecker has four subscription levels to choose from; you can sign up on a monthly or annual basis. Enterprise price range from $23 to $499.

You can also try the service for two days and get a full refund if you decide to cancel.

Features of Sitechecker:

  • Intuitive and user-friendly interface
  • Instant notification function
  • Companion Chrome extension with SEO metrics
  • White Label Report
  • Unlimited traffic, ranking and on-page SEO checker
  • Weekly and monthly backlink trackers
  • SERP history
  • Up to 100,000 keywords
  • Mobile Rank Tracking

4. Serpstat

Serpstat is another SEO-focused website traffic analysis auditor that helps businesses and professionals manage more organic traffic to their websites. It assists you in automating every step of your SEO campaign, saving you hours or even days each month.

Backlink analysis, URL analysis, rank tracker, and keyword research are some of the best components of this tool. What’s more, Serpstat has more than 230 Google databases available as keyword data sources.

You can use Serpstat to evaluate your website’s relationship to keyword click-through rate (CTR), viewability, and PPC keyword ranking as shown by organic traffic and keyword ranking. This online tool works at both the domain and URL level of web analytics.

Serpstat lets you see your competitor’s search base in addition to their website performance. As a result, you’ll know exactly how to improve your game and stay ahead of the competition.

The Infographics tab allows you to extract all the data from your website with just one click. Additionally, Serpstat makes it easy to filter out data and customize views.


Serpstats comes in four preset packages (Lite, Standard, Premium, and Enterprise), as well as packages customized to your requirements. The Lite plan costs $48 per month, while the Enterprise membership costs $349.

For a limited time, a free trial is also available.

Features of Serpstat:

  • Comprehensive SEO Analysis Tool
  • Clean interface and easy-to-use dashboard
  • API access
  • Fast and accurate website audit
  • Comprehensive visualization and analysis reports
  • Up to 12,000 searches per day
  • Backlinks and Rank Tracker
  • Audit up to 2.5 million web pages

5. Google Analytics

You may have been exposed to Google Analytics more than once. Without a doubt, it is one of the most powerful free products out there, favored by thousands of users.

You can leverage its extensive reports to measure your website traffic, identify your most popular content, and see how visitors and prospects use your website to convert. Google Analytics also allows you to create audiences for Google Ads remarketing and promotions.

Google Analytics also allows you to manage multiple properties under one account. It is also possible to view parameters for different websites through one dashboard. The service is fully compatible with a wide range of platforms and services, including WordPress.

Using Google Analytics can be a daunting process for newbies due to its plethora of features and comprehensive charts. This is why many beginners seek out friendlier alternatives.


Google Analytics basically free for all users. That said, there’s a premium version for larger businesses called Analytics 360. To get an accurate price tag, you need to contact their sales team.

Features of Google Analytics:

  • Feature-rich free service
  • Compatible with most websites
  • Extensive reporting (e.g. acquisition report, audience report, conversion report, real-time tracking).
  • Funnel analysis
  • Semi-custom Dashboard

6. Ubersuggest

The brainchild of Neil Patel, Ubersuggest is an affordable, comprehensive SEO research solution. It has an extensive library of suggested keywords and content to help startups rank high.

The keyword aspect of Ubersuggest is divided into five main subsections: Overview, Ideas, Traffic, Similar Sites, and Content Ideas. Each section performs a different task and provides you with detailed statistics such as search traffic, SEO difficulty, related keyword, top results for keywords, and more.

Ubersuggest, like other tools on our list, enables you to follow both your website and your competitor’s websites. Plus, it has useful features like backlinks, rank tracking, and website auditing.

What’s more, Ubersuggest includes an easy-to-install Chrome extension. This companion SEO plugin works reasonably well on Google and displays important SEO data.

When utilizing Ubersuggest, you should first submit information on the user dashboard. After that, you’ll add sites, projects, and organic keywords (depending on your subscription) to the dashboard.

Need any help? Live chat and email are available!


Ubersuggest prices range from $29 to $99 per month. All subscriptions come with a 7-day free trial.

There is also a free plan that gives you three searches per day.

Features of Ubersuggest:

  • Affordable plan
  • Extensive SEO Tools
  • User friendly dashboard
  • Self Help Resources
  • Social media results

7. HubSpot

HubSpot is an all-inclusive website management and marketing platform with over 120,000 users, including freelancers and B2B marketers across industries.

HubSpot CMS provides powerful solutions for website traffic analysis such as metrics, marketing, SEO and management — all of which can be easily configured. The analytics tool lets you examine your website’s traffic data, which can be broken down by source, topic group, device type, and more.

You can also change the time interval and date range of the traffic report, save or export it, and sort the data using the spescified analytics module. Any further filtering you choose, such as date ranges, will be applied to the original data table and graph display.

HubSpot’s dashboard is very detailed, with tons of monitoring options available in just a few clicks. Use its tabs to analyze bounces rates, sessions, visitors, page views, CTA clicks, referrals, and submission rates.


HubSpot offers a free plan with lots of useful tools, including website traffic analysis. It also sells three premium packages starting at $23 per month.

A 14-day free trial is also available.

Features of HubSpot:

  • Built-in CRM
  • SEO Advice Home Screen
  • Comprehensive website traffic analysis tool
  • Adaptive testing
  • Drag and drop editor
  • 24/7 phone support

8. Ahrefs

Trying to avoid negative SEO? The next tool on our list might be for you.

Ahrefs is a powerful SEO and website traffic analysis checking tool for accurate traffic and organic search insights, as well as backlink checking and competitor analysis. This efficient tool is used by Facebook, Uber and Netflix.

Ahrefs has a friendly interface that allows you to sort traffic reports by year, past 30 days, or all time. Just provide Ahrefs with phrases and it will give you keyword suggestions, along with their difficulty level, to use in content writing or marketing. You can even use Ahref SEO audit tool to make technical tweaks to improve search results.

Domain analysis is just as easy with Ahrefs. It can analyze the entire domain name or just certain pages on a spesific domain name. You’ll get extensive reports on your site’s DR score, number of external links, total monthly visitors, anchor text, and traffic value from your domain name.


Ahrefs is available in four tiers (Lite, Standard, Premium, and Enterprise) with monthly prices range from $99 to $999.

There is no free trial, but you can request a refund within 48 hours.

Features of Ahrefs:

  • Search Engine Dashboard
  • Rank Tracker
  • Search Engine Audit
  • Domain Name Comparison
  • Data output
  • Keyword Explorer
  • Domain name analysis

9. WebCEO

WebCEO provide a suite of SEO tools for organizations and individuals who need to jointly manage multiple projects.

Unlike most of its competitors, WebCEO doesn’t allow you to directly search traffic data from other sites. Instead, you have to first create a project with your website, and then analyze the traffic to these relevant websites using a tool called “Competitor Metrics”.

The platform uses Alexa to pull data and provide traffic statistics for your closest competitors. This enables you to see trends in your traffic over time, as well as ranking positions and shared keywords.

Among the many tools include are rank tracking, keyword research, technical audits, SEO analysis, internal linking, sitemap generation and website traffic analysis, and more.


WebCEO offers four different price plans: Individual, Startup, Institutional Unlimited, and Enterprise. With any plan, you can choose to be billed monthly or annually (the annual option has a lower monthly fee). Prices start from $33 per month and go up to $299 per month.

WebCEO also offers you a 14-day free trial that includes trying all the tools without providing any financial information.

Features of WebCEO:

  • Automatic weekly scan
  • Daily manual review
  • Up to unlimited projects (Institutional Unlimited Plan).
  • Up to unlimited keywords (institutional unlimited plan).
  • Each project can have up to 20 Google Business Archive locations
Website Traffic Analysis
Website Traffic Analysis




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