Exchanges listing schedule!
1 min readMay 23, 2019


Due to many requests from our community we decide to notify project steps in exchange listings domain.

Step 1: (top30 cmc rank, 550–700kk $ volume) Approximate listing date: 25–30.05.19

Step 2: Two exchanges or more from that list: Crex24 | Epica | Midex | Escodex | Graviex | TradeOgre Approximate listing date: 10–20.06.19

Step 3: Livecoin | EXMO | IDAX | | Bit-Z | Bittrex | Bibox | Simex Approximate listing date: Q3 2019

Crypto-bridge is out of list because we don’t wanna support wallet-update fee system

According to Step #3 — before reach that goal we have to achieve some key milestones — stable network and tech product, working platform with many lotteries, legal entity and the main — loyal and active community with at least 20 000–30 000 users inside.

We gonna work hard to reach all that goals in nearest future.

For those who already bought GEXAN masternodes we want to remind, that HIGHT ROI period begins in ±10 days ! (From block #50001)

This period will be only for TWO WEEKS (14.5 days). Right after it will be reducing to stable parameters to balance market&project economy. (Current mn reward — 0.2 GEX | 50–70k period mn reward — 3.2 GEX)

DIRECT SALE still open, only few masternodes left.

PM @Gunbit — For proposals&Marketing / @Artem Gexan regarding purchase.

