The Rapid Rise of Artificial Intelligence: A Tale of Innovation and Collaboration

Girls for Algorithmic Justice
2 min readJul 24, 2023


By: Audrey Kim

Artificial Intelligence is seen as more common currently, but in the past, it was a mystery. How has it evolved so quickly?

A depiction of A.I growth.

Artificial intelligence has grown exponentially over the last few decades, creating a new variety of the economy and our way of life. AI technologies are already widely used in everything from self-driving automobiles to sophisticated natural language processing. A confluence of variables, including improvements in processing power, availability of data, algorithmic discoveries, and cooperative efforts among academic institutions and companies, may be blamed for the quick development of AI. The main factors influencing AI’s phenomenal progress and its possible long-term effects are examined in this article.

The abundance of data available in the age of technology is closely related to the development of AI. The development of the internet and the quick digitalization of several sectors led to the creation of enormous datasets that were crucial for the training of AI models. Having access to labeled data, together with advancements in data storage and cloud computing, enables AI algorithms to draw knowledge from enormous knowledge bases. Significant developments in fields including natural language processing, picture identification, and recommendation systems have been made possible by this data-driven methodology.

A testament to the global collaboration of academics, developers, and organizations is the quick development of artificial intelligence. The phenomenal expansion of AI has been largely attributed to improvements in processing power, an availability of data, algorithmic innovations, cooperative initiatives, and business funding. To fully utilize AI for society’s benefit as it develops, ethical issues and responsible application are becoming increasingly crucial. The future holds even more exciting potential for AI, changing industries and reshaping the world in ways we could only have dreamed of a few years ago. This is because the rate of invention is not likely to slow down.


Jordan, Philips. “Why Today Artificial Intelligence Growing so Fast?” Cloud2Data, 8 June 2023,,build%20more%20sophisticated%20AI%20algorithms.

Babak Hodjat, Sentient Technologies. “The Ai Resurgence: Why Now?” Wired, 7 Aug. 2015,



Girls for Algorithmic Justice

We are the largest and first-ever 501(c)(3) mobilizing female students to advocate for equitable artificial intelligence.