Gil Felot
1 min readNov 21, 2017


Damn… If I had find this article and this app few days before !

I just come back home from a failed technical interview.

They wanted a full stack dev, I'm a junior with the impostor syndrome too since I went back to school to learn how to code (not CS) at my 29 and struggling every years to go to the next one.

All the skills I got is thanks to Udemy, Medium or Youtube.

I'm a junior but I know how to deal with front/back and some DB like mongo or PostGre. Even done some Big Data stuff with Elastic Search.

I know the principal to make a web app. SSR. Use to have a real time application and deploy everything on my own server or AWS.

But they asked me algorithm question. I was kind of good at maths in my teen. But not that crazy good. For now I never have to use a complicated algorithm in any of my project. And of course I failed this test.

I though they would ask me question about HTML/CSS/JS, why React or Vue. How I would manage a pagination…
How I would tell the user that something went wrong…


Thanks to you I know what I'm gonna doing the next weeks.

