Pedophila the new normal?

Gabriella Fernandez
3 min readAug 28, 2018


A new generation of pedophiles are trying to excuse pedophilia by renaming themselves as MAPs, otherwise known as minor-attracted persons. A pedophile is a person who is sexually attracted to children. In the United States, the pedophilia movement is growing more each day. Groups of people are coming out pushing for rights and for it to be legal.

Members of the organizations claim that pedophilia is their sexual orientation and they are incapable of change. These groups have created the term pedosexuality to use instead of pedophile.“Pedophilia is the same as homosexuality” claims Mirjam Heine, a TEDx speaker. Pedophile groups are not only hoping to be accepted by society but respected. Using the LGBT community as an example pedophiles rationalize their actions by comparing themselves to them.

Although pedophiles believe that they can be classified into the LGBT community it is not the same. Having an attraction to the same gender is completely different to having an attraction to a child who can not consent. A child is incapable of consenting to a relationship with an adult. They do not have the knowledge nor capacity to be able to understand the manipulation that they are being put through and if anything occurred it would, later on, be considered rape. Pedophilia by itself is not illegal. But the leaders and members of pedophile groups are looking to legalize all relationships between the child and the adult.

A pedophile’s actions are never seen as consensual because the child is manipulated. Society must assure that pedophile/pedosexuality to become the new normal. It should not be normal for someone to proudly claim that he or she is a pedosexual. No one should be proud of hurting or wanting to hurt a child

According to researchers and scientist, pedophilia is classified as a mental disorder. Having an attraction to children is not normal . Sexual relations with a child is not healthy. Relationships as such cause trauma and damage to a child’s psyche. Although some may argue that homosexuality was also once classified as a mental disorder it is not the same. In a homosexual relationship, there is not impairment or harm to either partner’s life from being gay. Pedophilic relationships cause harm to the child and it is not normal to be attracted to someone who has yet to reach puberty.

Abusing a child is not fine and it should not be legal. It is selfish and damages a child emotionally and physically. It is a process that no child should have to deal with. If we allow this to become the new normal we are putting children’s life in danger and it is not fair.



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