Are AI Language Models Taking Over Content Writing? — The Impact on SEO

Furkan Özkaya
4 min readMar 26, 2023


Are AI Language Models Taking Over Content Writing? — The Impact on SEO
Image: Pixabay

Let me cut to the chase — AI language models will not end content writing. The simple answer is no. Instead, they will help content writers work more systematically and efficiently.

As someone with 15 years of experience in the industry (7 years professionally), I have some thoughts to share with you about the role of AI in content writing and SEO. Let’s get started.

What’s a Language Model?

In simple terms, a language model is an AI-driven tool that predicts what words will come next in a text by looking at the previous words. Although AI language models like ChatGPT (OpenAI) are pretty advanced, they still can’t fully capture the unique “human touch” that makes content writing special.

AI in Content Writing: Friend or Foe?

While AI is making huge strides, it’s not ready to replace human content writers. Right now, AI language models are more like helpful assistants that can make content writing more productive. However, it’s crucial not to rely solely on AI-generated content, as search engines are getting better at detecting it, which could negatively affect your rankings and domain authority.

To create content with a genuine “human touch”, consider making minor adjustments to the text and incorporating your perspective. You can use tools like QuillBot to paraphrase and refine the content, followed by Grammarly to ensure grammatical accuracy. Read the text multiple times to perfect it and add an introduction, conclusion, key takeaways, and FAQ sections to enhance its value.

When crafting content, always put yourself in the reader’s shoes and consider how they might feel while reading the article. The goal is to produce authentic, informative, high-quality content that truly benefits the reader. How would you feel if you had read that article? Always prioritize your audience’s needs and expectations.

How Can AI Help with Content Writing and SEO?

AI language models can give you a hand with generating titles, coming up with topic ideas, or even writing an article draft. They can provide fresh ideas and insights you might not have thought of alone. Remember to add your human touch to the content by editing and refining what the AI generated.

The New SEO Landscape: Putting the Reader First

In 2023, the SEO game is changing, and it’s all about the user experience. While traditional SEO tactics like keyword-focused titles and tags are still important, they’re no longer enough. To truly stand out, you must prioritize your readers and give them the best experience on your website.

Here are some key things to consider:

  • Make sure your content is easy to read and understand.
  • Allow readers to share your content on social media easily.
  • Have clear navigation and breadcrumbs on your site.
  • Use colors that are easy on the eyes.
  • Offer audio and video options for consuming content.
  • Include summaries or key takeaways for readers short on time.
  • Use a Table of Contents (ToC) to help readers navigate long articles.
  • Incorporate relevant images and infographics.
  • Organize content with well-structured categories and tags.
  • Give readers the option to subscribe for updates.
  • Aim for organic backlinks from other authors.

Are you merely presenting your readers with SEO-compliant plain text? It’s time to reconsider your approach, as we’re in 2023, and the landscape has changed. The old strategy of relying on large quantities of plain text content is no longer effective.

If you’re not prioritizing user experience, look at metrics like average time spent on your site and the rate of returning visitors. These indicators can provide valuable insights.

Search engines now place importance on factors such as reader loyalty, subscriptions, and direct traffic to your site, not solely organic clicks. Make sure to explore all possible strategies before drawing conclusions and making decisions.

In a Nutshell

The bottom line is to focus on your readers and provide high-quality, informative content that truly benefits them. This approach, combined with a great user experience, will get you noticed by search engine bots, and your rankings will soar. So, don’t worry about AI taking over content writing — think of it as another tool to help you create the best content possible.

Also read: What is Semantic SEO? — A Comprehensive Guide.

Set an example for others by embodying the change you want to see. It’s always a pleasure, and I’ll catch up with you at the next one.

Source: From Algorithms to Articles: Evolution of AI Content Writing (



Furkan Özkaya

Self-made SEO & Content Expert. Sharing tips & insights to drive growth, engagement, and online success. Let's dominate the digital world together!🌐✨