Osprey coming in for landing. Geoffrey W. Gevalt photo.

Are my followers on Medium real?

A comparison on one story finds far more engagement on Substack than here. That, Tony, is a problem. And it’s gotten worse.

Geoffrey Gevalt
2 min readOct 19, 2023


The other day I posted a story about a few things I am learning now that I am four years into my first novel. I posted it here and I also posted the piece on Substack.

You can see the story here at this link, or on Substack at this link: https://geoffreygevalt.substack.com/p/four-years-in-hiram-falls

On Medium, where I have a supposed 835 followers, the story had 3, yes THREE, views and 1 read. Three people clapped. No one commented. I earned a whopping 6 cents. (Hmm. Does that mean Medium thinks each reader is worth a measley two cents?)

On Substack, where I have 157 followers, the story had 302 views, one share, 9 likes and 11 comments. I earned nothing, because my content is free.

Now you could argue that the story sucked. I don’t believe so, but regardless the comparison still holds.

For several years I have found Medium extremely frustrating in terms of readers and reader engagement. And I have often wondered, who are my followers and why do they rarely engage with me?

