“Why do you crossdress/crossplay?” (Part 2)

Gin Kim
2 min readDec 18, 2018


So I have previously tried to find answers to this question. So why am I doing a part two? I just have a single point to bring across.

Say you have this man. He has a family of his own. Two kids with his wife. However, he is having a tough time with life. He is highly stressed by work. He turned to alcohol to ease his stress. When he is drunk, he abuses his wife and kids physically. That is how he deals with the stress in his life.

Then you have another guy. Stress too with life. To deal with it, he takes hard drugs every now and then. Having problem with money, he will resort to stealing.

Next, we have this man who is a workaholic. He is seldom at home with his family. Being away from his family for extended period of time each day, he slowly draw further away from them. Then he started having an affair with his subordinate. It gives him an excitement that he cannot find with his current relationship with his wife.

Sounds bad? Now imagine this last guy, again stress with life and he found that by cross dressing he feel complete and relax. He resorts to crossdressing every now and then to relief the tension in him. Now is this that bad?

Of course I’m comparing very extreme case with the crossdressing guy. But if you are to stop and think carefully, crossdressing is actually not a harmful hobby or way of relaxation if I can put it in that way. The only thing ‘bad’ about this is society mindset that a guy should behave like a guy. And by crossdressing, it’s an embarrassment to family, your spouse. Why get upset over social norm?

My point is, crossdressing is actually harmless. It doesn’t mean a crossdresser is gay, pervert or likely to be unfaithful to wife. The dangerous people are the one that hurt others.

