David Chen: even a very small Estonia can become a very rich country

G-Global Project
3 min readNov 30, 2017


AngelVest, an angel investment group and fund from China intends to invest in global compelling start-up opportunities with the goal of bringing them access to large markets such as China and USA with the aim of organizing their joint activities in Europe, the company said in a press release.

At the beginning of November at the invitation of the firm «Tokenest», the Chinese-American pioneer in angel investing in China, David Chen (AngelVest), visited Estonia and represented here serious financial structures.

During the visit, Mr. Chen has met with members of Riigikogu represented by ruling coalitions (the general secretary of the Centrist Party, Mihhail Korb) and the parliamentary opposition (Denis Borodich, a deputy of the Reform Party). The meeting was also attended by the chairman of the board of the «Tokenest» Deniss Tsyro and the scientific director of the international organization (G Global Business Portal) Professor Hanon Barabaner.

During these meetings, the possibilities and conditions for the establishment of Estonia as a serious international financial center on the basis of the use of new financial tools and mechanisms, such as cryptocurrency, the blockchain, bitcoin and others were considered.

David Chen has expressed openness to cryptocurrencies and ICOs. He is willing to work with the Estonian regulators to create the best policies to attract entrepreneurs and investors to the local market.

«Currently there is a large-scale reconstruction of the world,- Chen said. — This reconstruction takes place against the backdrop of two very serious processes — globalization and regionalization. We would like to bring this model to Estonia and invest in great companies locally with the goal of bringing global market access to these companies in China, Asia, North America. Cryptocurrencies and ICOs have become an innovative vehicle to democratize how venture capital investing can be performed better».

The G-Global platform provides all the opportunities and resources for conducting ICO and tokenizing an enterprise on its own platform. The project and start-up has the opportunity to assemble a team of experts, combine it into one group and build effective internal team interaction on the G-Global platform . Due to joint work with our advisors, we managed to build an effective business model, which will help many projects to enter into international financial markets.

«Estonia can be very competitive in its regulatory policies to attract people set ICOs here. If the legislative environment will be friendly for equity-based ICO, lots of venture funds may be established in Estonia. From the point of view of years of experience I have in the terms of investments I suppose we could find the most competitive opportunities here. Beyond that to help Estonian companies to find a large markets to penetrate such as China or USA which allows Estonian companies to globalize and scale» — he noted.

Mihhal Korb’s envisages that Estonia is a good example of digital country. Herewith passing the cryptocurrency’s regulations is a next logical step of digitalization of the country and strengthen of its competitiveness on the world’s stage.

«It’s necessary to study best practices of regulations from other jurisdictions that have already approved certain legislation in cryptocurrencies and ICO spheres such as Gibraltar, Singapore and adopt these regulations for Estonia to create the best regulatory policies for legitimate conducting ICOs in Estonia.» — added Korb.

AngelVest is an angel investment group and fund based in China for the past 10 years comprised mostly of American expats with both Western and Eastern views. The value proposition of AngelVest has been to invest in global compelling start-up opportunities with the goal of bringing them access to large markets such as China and USA through their own networks and execution capabilities and capital.



G-Global Project

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