USA. 10th of November

G-Global Project
2 min readNov 28, 2017


Alvin Roth waited for us at his office in Stanford to communicate on the project. Professor Roth is the leading specialist in the world to develop solutions aimed at increasing the efficiency of individual enterprises and industries and in cooperation with him we will be able to work out the way for the development of our country’s economy.

A very interesting person with a good sense of humor, good nature and exactingness at the same time. The meekness of the mind and the parallels of his scientific knowledge in our field immediately gave an assessment. Mr. Roth has drawn several parallels on similar topics and made several assumptions. Very interesting meeting. We seemed to have discussed our platform with him more than once. There was an impression that he knew everything about it. Roth immediately agreed to cooperate in our project as an Advisor. We got a very valuable Advisor for the project. It is not possible to describe everything in several sentences, but our communication made a strong impression and certainly Mr. Roth’s contribution to the work of the project will become obvious very soon.

He gave us a book, signed it and we left Stanford in a fine mood. Everything goes as it should go.

Alvin Elliot Roth (born December 18, 1951) is an American academic, professor of economics at Stanford University. Roth has made significant contributions to the fields of game theory, market design and experimental economics. In 2012, he won the Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences jointly with Lloyd Shapley «for the theory of stable allocations and the practice of market design».



G-Global Project

Global marketplace for searching consultants and experts around the world, which is based on Blockchain technology