Bob Says Hello

Grace Katherine
2 min readAug 22, 2022


Those three words always put tears in my eyes. After reading book 4 of the Heroes of Olmypus: House of Hades, I wanted nothing more than for Bob to see the stars again.

— Here we go —

Percy laughed loud at his mom’s kitchen table. Paul had smashed Estelle’s face right into the cake, leaving a smeared and backwards twenty-five on her forehead.

“Dad!” she called out in protest, wiping the blue frosting from her face.

Percy, coughing from laughing so hard got a thump on the back from Annabeth. “You good,” she said, her grey eyes sparkling.

He nodded, wiping tears from his eyes. He looked over at his mom trying to stuff paper plates into an already bulging trash bag. She grabbed the bag and started dragging it toward the door, but Percy shot up.

“Let me Mom.” He grabbed from her and hefted it over his shoulder.

“Oh, thank you”

“Hurry back,” Annabeth called as he bumped the door open with his shoulder.

“I will.” The door swung shut. As Percy walked down to the dumpster, he just couldn’t keep a smile off his face. Though the bag felt a little heavier than it used to, he couldn’t stop from chuckling.

He swung the dumpster lid shut and started back up to the others when he felt a tickle on his leg. Looking down, he saw a little kitten rubbing on his jeans.

“Hey little guy.” He bent down and scratched behind his ears. The kitten started purring. Percy scooped him up and inspected his little blue collar under the street lamp.

The small gold tag only read, “Bob,” Percy muttered. He glanced up at the stars then looked back at the kitten. “Is that your name, or-”

“Sorry,” an man’s voice came from behind him. “He got away again.”

Percy turned to see an older man walking toward him, silver haired in a blue janitor’s uniform. Behind him a ruddy man with rust-colored hair. As Percy handed over the kitten, unable to shake a strange sense of familiarity of the two.

“Thank you,” the silver-haired one said. The kitten climbed up from his arms to his shoulder. As they started to walk away, it finally clicked.

“Bob,” Percy muttered. The mist flickered until her could finally see his old titan and giant friends. He smiled as they walked into the darkness and out of sight. He looked back up at the stars. “Hello Bob.”

— Yay —

This one’s rather short and not as well thought out. I tried to write about five different stories this morning, but none of them were coming. So I procrastinated on Pinterest for a while and found this picture.

Of course the tears came instantly. And I thought, what if Bob got to come back?



Grace Katherine

I’m a young woman, aspiring author, just looking for some practice.