The Unexpected Waves

Ghadeer Alhaddad
2 min readOct 16, 2021


The Waves of life will appear either you like them or not

A day to remember, or pain that has never been healed. Life is a long journey. It’s either a long path or a short one. Another word for life is the unexpected waves. You’ll never know whether you will face big waves or small waves. Life will never teach you to be ready for these waves, you just need to face them. The bigger the waves the more you’ll be stronger. All people use their tongues to speak and give a piece of advice on how to handle these waves correctly, but as you know, speaking is an action and attitude is another, not all people will implement what they say. They just say it.

They tell you we need to this, this, and that for a better chance and they return to the beginning point because they weren’t able to face the waves. It’s like the snake and ladders. You try to reach the top and when the snake eats you, you return to the previous points. Some people give up the game and others continue. Have you asked yourself would you grow even when your pain is not healed? Would your pain grow with you? As matter of fact, pain makes you stronger and you choose if either you want to grow with it or not. You decide if you want to move on or pause.

Life is challenging and the unexpected waves need a strong heart that was stabbed deeply with pain. After that vigorous pain, you will realize that you should live every moment and use your time wisely because you live one life every day so make your every day full filled with kindness, tolerance, peace, and harmony. Pain is sutured with time and the unexpected waves will remain along; either you like it or not, you need to accept the waves and face the challenge.



Ghadeer Alhaddad

Kuwaiti Citizen , Occupational therapist , Interested in reading, writing , public relations and social enterprise