Eugene Ghanizadeh
1 min readAug 14, 2016


While I do agree with your consensus, I think you missed the point. Just lets reiterate on what he says and thinks: he literally thinks that people do not live in the world of statistics.

Now, while I do concur that the world of statistics can be weird from time to time, I don’t think this is the case here: The magical science and math that is required for this debate is merely counting, i.e. you simply count the number of violent crimes and that’s it. That’s all you need to do. Plain, simple, counting.

So where does that leave us now? It leaves us where it is possible that in the near future, the man leading the United States, will be representing people who think of counting as magic, simply because they are angry or frustrated for some reason and do not care to understand the aforementioned counting. That, I believe, is actually the scariest part of this.



Eugene Ghanizadeh

Programmer, Designer, Product Manager, even at some point an HR-ish guy. Also used to be a Teacher.