Ghazanfar Ijaz
2 min readMay 19, 2024
Mother's Role in life

A newly born children is helpless when he/ she is born. His parents take care of him, his mother wakes up at night and takes care of him, including feeding him milk and cleaning him, bathing him. Mother role is very Important in childhood of their childrens.

Mother has to bear most of the pain and suffering when he wakes up during nights. For Mother , their children are very cute Always ready to serve him, the mother forgets her tiredness when she sees her children.

It is important for the mother to be literate so that she can raise him well, because a small child is like a blank slate, he will learn whatever is taught to him, so try to train him well. A mother’s Education only leads her children to best way of bringing up .

It is also very important for the mother to be literate who has to raise the children and train them for the first few years, because of the man getting employment and stay out of home

most of times. It takes a lot of hard work and sometimes it happens sometimes Children training all responsibilities Mother’s

The need for this matter is that the mother should understand her responsibility, and the man should treat his wife in the best way and take care of his wife and children . Husband should take care of his family and deals in best way to his family.


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