Grace Huang-GH HAUS
4 min readMar 10, 2020

Grace Huang — Life Adventurer

Founder of GH HAUS

Ins: ghhaus_official

It was just like something suddenly hit me. I know it sounds ridiculous since I am relatively young, but I kinda felt an urgency to take action: to chase my dream of being a woman entrepreneur, who can make a difference in this world and give something back — no matter how small it is.

I started GH HAUS in 2019 after I have been working in finance for years. I made my mind to do this, because I have passion for art and I feel a sense of urgency to chase my dream at that moment. As a female Asian entrepreneur, I have faith to make a different in this world, even a tiny step. Therefore, with my belief and dream, I set up GH HAUS and have pursued them with steady purpose.

The initial motivation came from my love in art and from my friends, who also love art. I have always had passion for art and fashion, and I have frequently been inspired by my artist friends. Even though I also love working in Finance, which is seemingly farfetched to art, I decided to have my entrepreneur career with my own fashion brand “GH HAUS”, which is carried a novel-innovative method of interacting with art. Thus, GH HAUS is not only a brand, but more importantly it works as an art-centered product curator. As I believe that we design art to sustainable fashion seamlessly, I wish to see our customers to practice art therapy, when they shop in GH.

GH HAUS is an unrestricted bridge between artists and customers, and accordingly we bring art to the public and also support artists. Because of the hustle and bustle of the modern lifestyle, people spend less time reading or thinking about art. By shopping at GH, they will learn about art unconsciously through looking at the product category (Minimalist, Abstract, Pop, Illustration), and they can also read short passages about art behind each product. Additionally, GH aims to assist up-and-coming artists. As GH has been deeply inspired from artists’ original works, I saw their determination and persistence on making art, and I also realize the hardship they can have financially and emotionally. So, performed as a gallery, GH HAUS works with artists to design the products, and the products associates with artists’ works. Within this co-networking system, artists are able to continue their creativity with supports by receiving a percentage of profits from the sale of their IP. The goal I pursue is to work together with artists as a big family and GH Haus will achieve it, which offers artists more space and freedom to continue their creation, free from economic stress.

I pour my personal experiences, being as a female Asian entrepreneur in the United States, in GH HAUS, making the brand culturally and emotionally unique. As a female entrepreneur, I admit that more challenges are out there that I have to face than male entrepreneurs do, but I would consider myself an adventurer, who enjoys facing the challenges directly. Even though I do frequently have emotion and anxiety, I can not take “no” too personally, and I can not have wounds open too long. As a result, GH HAUS for me, is no longer only a fashion brand, but it should be the showcase of my faith in art and my persistence in being myself. The another reason I would tag the “adventurer” on me is the fact that I care more about the journey of the life itself rather than the final outcome. A true adventurer should never care about where the journey ends and should never be stuck at one place. GH HAUS is my journey in the field of art, and I would like to always carry a positive attitude on the way of my journey.

I emphasize “self-love” in my life and aspire to express this idea through GH HAUS to our customers. Even in the 21st century, many women are still negatively influenced by the old root of feudalization and patriarchy. They may unconsciously bare the injustice for a long time and realize their situation until they get wound. I want to assert in the manifesto of GH HAUS that a woman should never be the sacrifice either in the relationship or in the career, but just be herself. This is the point I keep telling my girlfriend in that I hope women are able to love themselves and value their importance through themselves. Losing oneself for others is not supposed to be the right direction for women, and I learned this from my personal experience. I would not appreciate to have such a heart-breaking relationship, but I thank it to make me realize the importance of self-love to a woman, and motivate me to start GH HAUS and to be who I want to be. Accordingly, art defines GH HAUS and we defines ourselves.

I am blessed to be an Asian entrepreneur. As I understand to be in the minority in the United States, I embrace the diversity of cultures. To respect all cultures, GH HAUS holds the goal to co-work with international artists, for their cultural uniqueness as designers and people. Also, because of learning from my own experience in living globally, I observe the fact that more and more Chinese collectors are interested in appreciating world art and I believe this will help GH HAUS, as well as insightful artists, to work successfully in the Asian market. Thus, each product we sold is not only serves as a product it functioning, but it also delegates the artist’s voice and stands out for its culture. We want our customers to comprehend the beauty of the artwork and keep refreshing themselves through using our products for long term.

Art is therapy, and I want to bring the therapy to everyone through GH HAUS products. I deeply appreciate our beloved artists trusting GH and I am still the adventurer but much braver together with my artists and customers. I sincerely believe that “when you are working on making a difference and giving it back to the world, you will have people of the same mind joining you along the journey.”

Grace Huang-GH HAUS

Grace Huang is the founder of GH HAUS who design art to sustainable fashion seamlessly. They let their customer practice art therapy when shop in GH.