I’m making a journaling app

Sam Ghobril
1 min readApr 30, 2016


That’s it right there on the left. That’s pretty much the whole app. Write a thought, send it, done. I feel this takes the pressure off needing to write something meaningful and inspirational every day.

The whole point of keeping a journal is keeping a log of our thoughts, and our thoughts aren’t always deep. I want to remember the small, seemingly trivial details, and not just the big achievements (of course, those are important too. But odds are, we won’t forget those.)

This is still a very rough version I built in the past 24 hours. There are still some things I need to fix and add, but the gist of the app is there.

And, yeah, basically that’s it. Also, if you’re someone who follows what I do, Shelf 1.2 is coming out soon with iCloud sync (long overdue).

