Deploy your own “ChatGPT”

Giacomo Vianello
19 min readApr 4, 2023


Deploy an open-source equivalent to ChatGPT on your laptop, then transform it into a highly-available application using Kubernetes

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Table of contents

Run a ChatGPT equivalent using Docker
Basic idea
K8s terminology
The basic unit of computation: the Pod
Structure of a k8s cluster
Minikube or your own cluster
Installing minikube
Don’t be afraid
Our first pod
Define an auto-scaling application
Testing the autoscaling
Deploying our “ChatGPT” to Kubernetes
Opening a shell into a running pod/container

IMPORTANT: make sure you upgrade your docker to the latest version, and if you already have minikube, also upgrade that. Otherwise you will get an error when trying to download the docker image we are using.


You might already be familiar with containers and technologies like Docker. If not, think of containers as isolated environments that package an application’s code, runtime, libraries, and configurations, ensuring that the application runs consistently across different computing environments.

In this blog, we will see how we can run an app locally using docker (we will play with an open-source ChatGPT equivalent). We will then see how it is easy to deploy an app at scale on Kubernetes. We will initially play with a minimal web server and see how Kubernetes can auto-scale it to be highly available even under heavy traffic. Finally, we will bring everything together and deploy our open-source ChatGPT equivalent to Kubernetes.

Before we get started, if you don’t have Docker installed already, install docker-engine or docker desktop or even an open-source equivalent like podman.

Run a ChatGPT equivalent using Docker

We can deploy a running, easy-to-use open-source equivalent to ChatGPT with this simple docker command:

docker run -it -p 7860:7860 \ \

using the new awesome Docker integration of Huggingface. This is a local deployment of this HuggingFace space.

Docker will initially have to download quite a bit of data, so be patient. After everything is complete you should see a message like this:

Running on local URL:

You can now put that URL in your browser and you will see a Gradio app like this:

Just put your prompt in the Input form and click Run, and you’re ready to go!

This however is only good for your personal use. What if you want to make it available to your team, or your customers?

Consider the license before using any of this material for commercial applications!


Running a container or an app locally is fun and useful for testing and your personal use. But of course, if you need resources that aren’t available on your laptop, or if you want/need to share your app with your team or your customers you need to deploy it on a platform that can handle your application robustly. Enter Kubernetes.

Kubernetes, often abbreviated as K8s, is an open-source container orchestration platform that automates the deployment, scaling, and management of containerized applications in a heterogeneous cluster of computing nodes. Examples of applications are websites, databases, machine learning models (endpoints), machine learning pipelines, inference jobs …

If you are an experiential learner, feel free to skip directly to the Hands-on section down below and come back to this later.

Kubernetes (which means helmsman in greek) builds on the container concept and provides a robust platform for managing containers at scale. Some of its key features include:

  1. Cluster management: Kubernetes groups multiple machines (nodes) into a cluster, providing high availability and fault tolerance. A cluster typically consists of one or more master nodes, which control the overall state of the cluster, and multiple worker nodes, which run the actual containerized applications.
  2. Container orchestration: Kubernetes automates the deployment, scaling, and management of containerized applications. It can automatically distribute containers across the nodes in the cluster, restarts failed containers, and scale applications up or down based on demand. For example, if a website is receiving a lot of users at once, K8s will scale it up (i.e., provide more computing resources) to support that demand. When the peak usage has finished, K8s will scale the website back down to save resources.
  3. Load balancing and service discovery: Kubernetes can automatically expose applications running in containers to the outside world or other containers within the cluster. It can also perform load balancing, which means distributing network traffic or workload evenly across multiple servers to prevent any single server from becoming a bottleneck, ensuring optimal performance and availability of the application.
  4. Rolling updates and rollbacks: Kubernetes allows you to perform rolling updates of your applications, ensuring that new versions are rolled out gradually, with no downtime. If an update fails, Kubernetes can automatically roll back to the previous version.
  5. Storage orchestration: Kubernetes can automatically mount different types of storage systems, such as local storage, network storage, or cloud-based storage, to containers as needed.
  6. Self-healing: Kubernetes monitors the health of nodes and containers and takes action when it detects issues. For example, if a container fails, Kubernetes can restart it automatically. If a node becomes unresponsive, Kubernetes can reschedule the containers running on that node to other nodes in the cluster.
  7. Configuration and secret management: Kubernetes allows you to store and manage sensitive data, such as passwords and API keys, as secrets. These secrets can then be securely mounted into containers and accessed by applications as needed.

While there are other technologies with similar characteristics, K8s has become the de-facto standard for container orchestration.

Basic idea

Kubernetes differentiates between the desired state of an application and the infrastructure needed to make that happen. The desired state is defined by the user, while the infrastructure is handled automatically by K8s.

Users specify things like container requirements, communication needs, storage, computing, and scaling limits, and leave the implementation to Kubernetes. For example, a user will specify a web application composed of 3 components that need to communicate with each other: a website, a database, and a chatbot, each with its requirements. Moreover, the application needs to be exposed to the internet for users to be able to interact with it. K8s will find the optimal way to deploy these containers on the existing infrastructure so that all requirements are satisfied. It will also provide the storage, and the credentials, and put the networking in place so that the containers can communicate with each other, and expose the application externally.

The user can modify the requirements while the application is already deployed. K8s will gradually modify the state of the running application to match the new desired state, avoiding any downtime.

K8s terminology

Let’s define the most common objects that you are going to interact with within the context of K8s:

  1. Containers: Isolated environments that package an application’s code, dependencies, and configurations, ensuring consistent behavior across different platforms.
  2. Pods: The smallest and simplest units in Kubernetes, consisting of one or more containers working together and sharing storage and network resources.
  3. Deployments: High-level abstractions that represent the desired state of your application, automating the scaling, updating, and rollback of containerized applications.
  4. Jobs: A high-level abstraction that represents a finite, one-time task or a batch of work. Jobs ensure that a specified number of Pods complete their work, and then terminate. Unlike Deployments, which are intended for long-running, continuously available applications, Jobs are designed for tasks that run to completion and then exit, such as batch processing or data transformation.
  5. StatefulSet: A high-level abstraction designed to manage stateful applications, which require stable network identities and persistent storage across restarts and rescheduling. StatefulSets are ideal for applications that require stable network identities, consistent data storage, and strict ordering, such as databases, message brokers, or distributed data processing systems.
  6. Services: A stable network interface that abstracts away the underlying Pod IPs, enabling load balancing, service discovery, and access to applications within a cluster or externally.
  7. Volume: Represents a data directory for reading and/or writing. Volumes can be ephemeral (they disappear when a pod finishes or is stopped) or persistent. They can also be local (accessible only by containers within the same pod) or shared across pods and even across nodes.
  8. Namespace: An that separates the cluster into isolated units. It is common to deploy different applications in different namespaces.
  9. ConfigMaps & Secrets: Used to inject data into containers by separating their definitions from pod specs.
  10. Ingress: A set of rules that manage external access to services within a cluster, typically handling HTTP(S) traffic routing, load balancing, and SSL/TLS termination.
  11. Autoscaler: Kubernetes adopts horizontal autoscaling. This means that when a pod approaches its resource limits (for example on CPU load), the auto-scaler creates a new replica (a copy of the pod) and deploys it. Then the load is distributed between the replicas. It is common for cloud Kubernetes clusters (for example EKS, GKE, and AKS) to have a horizontal auto scaler capable of creating new cloud instances on demand, effectively giving you access to a potentially unlimited amount of resources (be careful with the cost!). Keep in mind that creating a new node/instance can require several minutes in these cases. Be also careful to understand the trade-offs between using on-demand or reserved instances.

For details, please refer to the Kubernetes documentation.

The basic unit of computation: the Pod

The Pod is the fundamental building block that represents the smallest deployable unit of computation. A Pod encapsulates one or more containers, usually closely related, that work together and share the same network namespace and storage resources. This means that containers within a Pod can communicate with each other using ‘localhost’ and access shared volumes for data exchange. While each container runs in isolation with its file system, runtime, and dependencies, Pods allow these containers to work in concert, simplifying the orchestration of multi-container applications. In a Kubernetes cluster, Pods are ephemeral and can be rescheduled or replaced when needed, making them suitable for stateless applications or temporary tasks. To ensure stability and persistence for stateful applications, higher-level abstractions like StatefulSets and/or persistent storage mechanisms are used.

When a Pod is created, the Kubernetes scheduler selects an appropriate node based on various factors, such as resource requirements, node availability, and user-defined constraints. The scheduler evaluates each node’s available resources, such as CPU and memory, ensuring that the chosen node has enough capacity to run the Pod. Additionally, user-defined constraints, such as node labels or node affinity rules, influence the scheduler’s decision, allowing more granular control over Pod placement. Once the scheduler determines the most suitable node, the Pod is deployed on that node and begins executing its containers.

Structure of a k8s cluster

A Kubernetes cluster is a group of interconnected machines, or nodes, that work together to orchestrate containerized applications. The cluster is composed of two types of nodes: those belonging to the control plane (also known as the master nodes) and the worker nodes. The control plane manages the overall state of the cluster, handles configuration data, and schedules workloads, while the worker nodes host the actual containerized applications (Pods).

Schematic representation of a minimal Kubernetes cluster. Here for simplicity, we have a Control Plane made of only one node, but in practice, a K8s cluster can have multiple nodes in the Control Plane. This is needed for high availability.


There’s no better way to understand things than by trying them out!

Minikube or your own cluster

In this tutorial, we will use Minikube, a nice tool that allows you to create a fully-fledged Kubernetes cluster on your laptop. This gives us a nice sandbox to try things out without spending any money on cloud resources (nor time on the configuration).

However, if you have access to a normal Kubernetes cluster (or you want to test one out for free) you can use that as well. Just skip the minikube commands in this tutorial and make sure you have installed and configured a recent version of kubectl to work with your cluster.

Installing minikube

(skip this if you already have a k8s cluster)

First, we need to install Minikube by following the instructions for your system (however, DO NOT start the cluster yet!).

You will also needkubectl, which is the command-line tool we will use to interact with Kubernetes. You can use the one that comes with Minikube. It can be executed as minikube kubectl. However, to avoid having to write that every time we can create an alias:

> alias kubectl="minikube kubectl --"

You might want to add that line to your shell init script (or remember to redefine the alias for every new shell).

We can now start a simulated multi-node cluster with the following command:

> minikube start --nodes 2 -p multinode-demo
> minikube profile multinode-demo # set default minikube profile

This will run for a few minutes: minikube needs to download a few docker images and do some setup. After it’s done, let’s check if things are ready:

> kubectl get nodes   # get the status of the nodes in the cluster
multinode-demo Ready control-plane 59s v1.24.3
multinode-demo-m02 NotReady <none> 23s v1.24.3

We see here that the second node is not yet ready. Let’s give it a bit more time, after a while, you should see this:

> kubectl get nodes
multinode-demo Ready control-plane 92s v1.24.3
multinode-demo-m02 Ready <none> 56s v1.24.3

We now have two nodes up and running. If you wanna see the details of the nodes, just run kubectl describe node [node name].

Hint: in general the kubectl tool has a very straightforward syntax. For example, in the same way that kubectl get nodes list the nodes and kubectl describe nodegives you the details,kubectl get pods and kubectl describe pod [pod name]lists and describes the pods, kubectl get deployments and kubectl describe deployment [deployment name]the deployments and so on

Don’t be afraid

The following YAML definitions might seem a lot to take in. Do not worry if you don’t understand every single detail, but do read them from beginning to end. The YAML syntax is pretty self-explanatory and you should get an intuition of what is happening. We will call out the important details.

Our first pod

Let’s define a minimal “hello world” pod using the YAML syntax and save it into hello-world-pod.yaml:

apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
name: hello-world-pod
- name: hello-world-container
image: busybox
command: ['sh', '-c', 'echo Hello, World! && sleep 3600']

We are defining a pod named hello-world-podwith only one container. This container executes a shell and runs the command echo Hello, World! in it, then sleeps for 3600 seconds to keep the pod running and give us a chance to try a few things.

Let’s go ahead and submit that to the cluster using the apply command. The apply command takes a definition of a new state and applies it to the cluster. Immediately after the command, K8s will change the state of the cluster to match the new desired state. In this case, we’re just adding a pod:

> kubectl apply -f hello-world-pod.yaml

We can now see the list of active pods:

> kubectl get pods
hello-world-pod 0/1 ContainerCreating 0 5s

After a while we should see that the pod is running:

> kubectl get pods
hello-world-pod 1/1 Running 0 70s

We can then see its log:

> kubectl logs hello-world-pod
Hello, World!

As before, you can also use the command kubectl describe pod hello-world-pod to get more details about the pod, including the node on which the pod is running. At the end of the output, you can see the log of the events belonging to this pod. This is often useful to see what is happening before the container(s) start executing:

> kubectl describe pod hello-world-pod
Type Reason Age From Message
---- ------ ---- ---- -------
Normal Scheduled 4m2s default-scheduler Successfully assigned default/hello-world-pod to multinode-demo-m02
Normal Pulling 4m2s kubelet Pulling image "busybox"
Normal Pulled 3m59s kubelet Successfully pulled image "busybox" in 3.398927802s
Normal Created 3m58s kubelet Created container hello-world-container
Normal Started 3m58s kubelet Started container hello-world-container

We can now stop and delete the pod:

> kubectl delete pod hello-world-pod

Define an auto-scaling application

We will now define a deployment, and test its autoscaling capabilities. Minikube does not ship with auto-scaling capabilities by default. We need to manually install the Metric Server instead, which is the service in the cluster that collects resource utilization metrics so that K8s can decide when to scale up and down our deployment:

> minikube addons enable metrics-server

Let’s now define our Deployment, i.e., an application that is meant to be always on.

For the moment, we want to explore the autoscaling capabilities of Kubernetes so we will deploy the Web Server NGINX in a pod with one container. Later we will similarly deploy the open-source ChatGPT.

In our definition, we will also declare the needed CPU resources as 100m , i.e., 100 millicores, or 0.1 CPUs. Let’s save this into webapp-deployment.yaml :

apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
name: webapp-deployment
replicas: 1
app: webapp
app: webapp
- name: webapp-container
image: nginx
cpu: 100m
cpu: 100m

Here we are defining a Deployment containing 1 replica by default. It contains a template including the description of our pod and its metadata. The structure of the templateis identical to the structure of the pod we declared earlier. It is called “template” because this pod template definition will be used over and over when the cluster scales up or down our application. As part of our container definition, we are also adding the specification of the needed resources (limits and requests). Requests are used for scheduling decisions, while limits set an upper boundary on resource consumption for a container within a pod. In the case of the CPU limit, if the container exceeds its limit it gets throttled. If there was a RAM resource limit, exceeding that might result in the pod getting killed.

Let’s also define the auto-scaling behavior of the application. This defines how K8s will behave if the load on the application increases or decreases, for the application to support the workload without failing or slowing down. We accomplish this by creating a HorizonthalPodAutoscaler(HPA). Save the following YAML in webapp-hpa.yaml:

apiVersion: autoscaling/v1
kind: HorizontalPodAutoscaler
name: webapp-hpa
apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
name: webapp-deployment
minReplicas: 1
maxReplicas: 10
targetCPUUtilizationPercentage: 60

Note how we are specifying the deployment we defined earlier as the target of our auto-scaling (using scaleTargetRef). We also declare that we want at minimum 1 replica and at maximum 10, which means that we will get a maximum of 10 copies of our application running concurrently. We are declaring that the criterium for scaling up or down is the utilization of the CPU: if the pods in the deployment use more than 60 percent of the CPU resources they have requested, a new replica will be created unless we have already reached the maximum (scale up). Similarly, if the usage drops below that, then one of the replicas will be shut down (scale down). Optimizing the target value is important to reach a good trade-off between resource utilization and application responsiveness. Since auto-scaling is not immediate, increasing the value might result in an application that responds slowly under load while new replicas are created. Decreasing the value however, means that we will have underutilized hardware resources (which can be expensive).

Finally, we need to declare that we want to expose our NGINX Web Server to the external world (outside of the cluster), so we can reach it for example from our browser. We need to define a LoadBalancer that exposes our deployment to external traffic, balancing the incoming traffic onto the existing replicas so each replica is subject to a similar load. Let’s call the file webapp-service.yaml:

apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
name: webapp-service
app: webapp
- protocol: TCP
port: 80
targetPort: 80
type: LoadBalancer

Note how we use a selector that matches the name of our deployment, so the load is distributed across replicas of our deployment.

Let’s now apply the 3 changes:

> kubectl apply -f webapp-deployment.yaml
> kubectl apply -f webapp-hpa.yaml
> kubectl apply -f webapp-service.yaml

We can now verify that our deployment, HPA, and service are all there and running (note that it might take a few minutes for everything to be ready):

> kubectl get deployments
webapp-deployment 1/1 1 1 11m

> kubectl get hpa
webapp-hpa Deployment/webapp-deployment 1%/50% 1 10 1 14m

> kubectl get services
kubernetes ClusterIP <none> 443/TCP 8h
webapp-service LoadBalancer <pending> 80:32432/TCP 4m30s

In the case of the webapp-service we can see that the EXTERNAL-IP is <pending>. This is because minikube cannot expose things to the outside world (the internet). So for minikube we can instead run minikube service [service name] --url which will print a URL we can copy and paste into the browser:

> minikube service webapp-service --url

NOTE: of course your URL will look different, so copy/paste yours

Testing the autoscaling

Let’s save the URL in an environment variable:

> export NGINX_URL=$(minikube service webapp-service --url)

To test our autoscaling we will use hey, which is a tool that can be used to send requests in bulk. It can be installed on Linux with apt install hey or snap install hey and on Mac with brew install hey. Let’s send 100,000 requests to our application with a concurrency of 100, which should send the CPU utilization above the mark and trigger the scale-up.

NOTE: your result will vary from mine, as they depend on the compute power of your system and on the load. You might need to adjust the numbers in the command line of hey to match the power of your laptop

Execute this:

> hey -n 100000 -c 100 $NGINX_URL > report.txt &

This will run in the background and save the results to report.txt. While the requests keep coming, let’s observe the behavior of our auto-scaler. We will use kubectland add the --watch option (abbreviated to -w) to check periodically our HPA:

> kubectl get -w hpa
webapp-hpa Deployment/webapp-deployment 0%/50% 1 10 1 34m
webapp-hpa Deployment/webapp-deployment 96%/50% 1 10 1 35m
webapp-hpa Deployment/webapp-deployment 96%/50% 1 10 2 35m
webapp-hpa Deployment/webapp-deployment 100%/50% 1 10 2 36m
webapp-hpa Deployment/webapp-deployment 59%/50% 1 10 2 37m
webapp-hpa Deployment/webapp-deployment 59%/50% 1 10 3 37m
webapp-hpa Deployment/webapp-deployment 28%/50% 1 10 3 38m
webapp-hpa Deployment/webapp-deployment 0%/50% 1 10 3 39m
webapp-hpa Deployment/webapp-deployment 0%/50% 1 10 3 42m
webapp-hpa Deployment/webapp-deployment 0%/50% 1 10 2 43m
webapp-hpa Deployment/webapp-deployment 0%/50% 1 10 2 43m
webapp-hpa Deployment/webapp-deployment 0%/50% 1 10 1 44m


Observing the TARGETS column we can see that the average CPU utilization goes way up all the way to 100%. Consequently, K8s scales up our application and the REPLICAS increases to 3. Then, when the requests finish, the CPU load goes back down and consequently the REPLICAS go back down to 1. Note how there is a latency between the CPU usage changes and the replicas being generated. This is because the auto scaler runs periodically (and not continuously) and generating a replica also takes a bit of time (depending on the complexity of your application).

Now let’s look at the report from hey, which describes the experience the users of our app would have had:

> cat report.txt
Total: 210.9319 secs
Slowest: 1.7004 secs
Fastest: 0.0001 secs
Average: 0.2008 secs
Requests/sec: 474.0866

Total data: 61500000 bytes
Size/request: 615 bytes

Response time histogram:
0.000 [1] |
0.170 [47054] |■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■
0.340 [30913] |■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■
0.510 [13146] |■■■■■■■■■■■
0.680 [3966] |■■■
0.850 [3302] |■■■
1.020 [1180] |■
1.190 [245] |
1.360 [143] |
1.530 [41] |
1.700 [9] |

Latency distribution:
10% in 0.0004 secs
25% in 0.0007 secs
50% in 0.1984 secs
75% in 0.3005 secs
90% in 0.5005 secs
95% in 0.6020 secs
99% in 0.9000 secs

Details (average, fastest, slowest):
DNS+dialup: 0.0000 secs, 0.0001 secs, 1.7004 secs
DNS-lookup: 0.0000 secs, 0.0000 secs, 0.0000 secs
req write: 0.0000 secs, 0.0000 secs, 0.0051 secs
resp wait: 0.1949 secs, 0.0000 secs, 1.7001 secs
resp read: 0.0057 secs, 0.0000 secs, 0.8978 secs

Status code distribution:
[200] 100000 responses

We can see that all requests had an HTTP status of 200 (which means success). On my system, the maximum latency was 1.7 s but for most requests was around 0.2 s. K8s managed to keep the application alive despite the huge spike in traffic!

Deploying our “ChatGPT” to Kubernetes

Now that we understand the basic concepts of Kubernetes, we can easily deploy our “ChatGPT” equivalent. Let’s go back to the definition of our deployment, and let’s change a few details. Let’s save this new file in llm-deployment.yaml :

apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
name: llm-deployment
replicas: 1
app: llm
app: llm
- name: llm-container
command: [ "python", "" ]
cpu: 1000m
cpu: 1000m

Here we have changed the name of the deployment to llm-deployment , the labels to llm, the docker image to the image containing our app (from HuggingFace), and the resources to one entire CPU. We have also added a command section specifying which command should be executed in the container (in this case, python Note that the command needs to be split into a list.

We can now update our HPA to point to our new llm app (let’s save it in llm-hpa.yaml):

apiVersion: autoscaling/v1
kind: HorizontalPodAutoscaler
name: llm-hpa
apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
name: llm-deployment
minReplicas: 1
maxReplicas: 10
targetCPUUtilizationPercentage: 50

and our service to point to our llmapp as well (let’s save it in llm-service.yaml):

apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
name: llm-service
app: llm
- protocol: TCP
port: 7860
targetPort: 7860
type: LoadBalancer

We’re now ready to apply all these new changes (we can do it in one go):

> kubectl apply -f llm-deployment.yaml -f llm-hpa.yaml -f llm-service.yaml

After a while we should see that our service and our deployments are ready:

> kubectl get deployments
llm-deployment 1/1 1 1 23m

> kubectl get hpa
llm-hpa Deployment/llm-deployment <unknown>/50% 1 10 1 14m

> kubectl get services
kubernetes ClusterIP <none> 443/TCP 27m
llm-service LoadBalancer <pending> 7860:30678/TCP 15m

As before, because we are using minikube we need to do one additional step (which we wouldn’t need with a real k8s cluster):

> minikube service llm-service --url

We can now point our browser to that address (yours might be different!) and here we go, our open-source ChatGPT is now deployed on Kubernetes!

Opening a shell into a running pod/container

Sometimes looking at logs and using kubectl describe is not enough to understand what is happening. In these cases, if your application/job is still running, you might want to open a shell into a running container to see what is going on.

Right now you should have one or two running pods:

> kubectl get pods
hello-world-pod 1/1 Running 1 (54m ago) 114m
webapp-deployment-645f69c6d6-rgvw2 1/1 Running 0 55m

Let’s open a shell into the only existing web app pod and inspect the environment variables:

> kubectl exec -it webapp-deployment-645f69c6d6-rgvw2 -- /bin/sh

# ls
bin boot dev docker-entrypoint.d etc home lib lib64 media mnt opt proc root run sbin srv sys tmp usr var
# env
# exit

NOTE: if there is more than one container in a pod, you must specify the container name using the -c flag


In conclusion, we’ve had some fun deploying an open-source “ChatGPT” first by using docker directly and then using Kubernetes. We have seen how K8s can make our applications robust and highly available and explored in particular its autoscaling capabilities.

We have just begun to uncover the power of Kubernetes by exploring its basics. But there’s so much more to learn in this vast ecosystem. With advanced features like persistent storage, ingress controllers, and custom resource definitions, the possibilities are endless.

Kubernetes will play a central role in the upcoming AI revolution, so don’t stop here! Dive deeper into what Kubernetes can do for your application (AI and Machine Learning or any other application), and happy orchestrating!



Giacomo Vianello

Principal Data Scientist at Cape Analytics. Formerly a Research Scientist @ Stanford working in high-energy Astrophysics.