La Folie; A Place to Remember

Giacomo Calvi
3 min readMar 3, 2016


Style. Taste. Design. These are the key aspects that make La Folie stand out. As you walk in, you are overwhelmed by the stylish design in the walls, lamps, chairs, tables, and even the menus are completely different to what we are used to. Living rooms on the walls are not very usual in great restaurants. All the chairs at the table are completely different, and all are beautiful. The huge lamps and the purple chandelier in the corner give the place a unique look, making it a unique experience. I have been to both La Folie’s many times, and I have to say that even though both places look exactly the same, every time I go a notice something new in the vintage decoration.

In the walls, furniture is displayed giving the place a unique look. Amazing!

I didn’t order an entree. I was to anxious to order my “Lomo saltado” so I go ahead and order a frozen lemonade and my food. Not long after this, I see a glass as big as a baby’s head filled to the top in lemonade. I was relieved when I saw that the serving was huge since I always finish my drink before the food came, this time, and didn’t even finish it. First sip and I’m already in love. The perfect mix between sour and sweet come into my mouth and it refreshes my entire body. I took a giant drink, enough to get a brain freeze, and I was satisfied. When my plate came, I was surprised by the amount of onions it had, but when I took a bite, I completely understood. The sweet taste of the cooked onion mixed with the juicy meat, rice and fried potato created a taste like no other. I ordered my plate without the tomato since I don’t really enjoy the taste and texture of cooked tomato, but I bet that for tomato-lovers the taste of the whole thing put together would be twice as good. My classmates all loved their plates. The variety of plates went from salads, to wraps, to pasta, to meat, and the fact that everyone thought their plate was exquisite means that La Folie is great at preparing any type of food.

After finishing my plate, I felt like I couldn’t have another bite of anything. The problem was that I couldn’t leave without having a sweet since La Folie is also known for having great desserts. I knew they served one of my favourite desserts of all time; Oreo Cheesecake. The portion was small so I ordered it and I couldn’t wait to eat it. I had eating this dessert before so I knew for a fact that it was great. When It came along and instantly took a bite and as expected, it was delicious. The mixture of the cream cheese and the chocolate fudge and cookies was heavenly.

The menu from La Folie

I really recommend La Folie to anyone. It is great in every aspect. The variety of food is great and it fits every type of eater such as vegetarian/vegan, meat lovers, etc. I consider La Folie to be one of my top choices for whenever I want to go out with my family, friends, and even by myself. Your experience in La Folie is guarantied to be great, and you will definitely will want to go back.

