A little fairy taleIn the central square of a small town, suffering from a very high unemployment rate, three former school-mates, Alice, Bob, and Carl, meet…Oct 18, 2018Oct 18, 2018
Chapter 3: About Ferdinando Ametrano (aka: my little dirty secret)I seriously doubt that this last “chapter” will be of real interest for anyone in the space, actually: unfortunately I am forced to publish…Sep 16, 2017Sep 16, 2017
Chapter 2: About EidooI explained, in Chapter 1, BHB Network’s clear, consistent and linear approach towards clients. Eidoo is currently a client of our…Sep 15, 2017Sep 15, 2017
Chapter 1: About BHB Network, Bitcoin, Private Blockchains, Ethereum, ICOsAbout 3 years ago I founded a project with some bitcoiner friends, now called BHB Network (formerly “Blockchainlab”). Our goal was, and…Sep 15, 2017Sep 15, 2017