Ode To An Ogre

Jessica Giannone
2 min readSep 22, 2021

I may or may not burn in hell.

Photo by Taken on Pixabay

I wrote the following at 2:00 in the morning when my upstairs neighbor did her usual Russian dance routine. I was so angry… the only thing I could think to do was turn this helplessness into something purposeful (that didn’t involve fire, torture, etc.).

The sheer volume of her mystery antics, waking me out of a deep sleep multiple days a week, is truly uncanny. Read for yourself.

Maybe it’s the floor… but this might as well be Mordor…

When she moves, the house shakes
Iron shoes; like a big earthquake

There’s only so much a person can take
When they’re kept awake
Time is at stake
It’s for happiness’ sake

She stomps to the left and slams to the right
She stomps at morning, and she stomps at night

How could anyone be so heavy?
Surely she makes herself primed and ready

It feels like the house crumbles
And a giant stumbles

While I try to sleep
Without making a peep
This obnoxious beast
Ruins my peace

An invasion of space and safety and rest
She puts my sanity to the test

It wakes me right as I’m passing out
Then I’m so angry, I want to shout

And toss her into outer space
So no one can hear her unearthly gait

Sayonara you thoughtless, loud creature
Just… shut the hell up.

Photo by Merio on Pixabay

No moral here. But someone has to laugh at my steam.

To my neighbor, if you ever read this… I don’t know you, and I’m sure you don’t look like an ogre. I don’t mean to offend anyone who thinks they bear any semblance to an ogre. I’m sure if I met an ogre like, say, Shrek, I’d adore them. I just like to alliterate.

Your Fellow Spawn of Sauron

