Meat Vs. Veggies

Gia Toledo
2 min readAug 1, 2019


Many nutritionists said that maintaining a proper vegan diet is good. Somehow, some health critics have been arguing about these two diets: meat vs veggies: which is better than the two? Most experts advise a balanced diet of meat and vegetables along with grains, fruits, and modest amounts of unsaturated fats in your daily diet. There are pros and cons between the meat diet and the vegan diet, but which is better? Let’s find out.

Meat Vs. Veggies (Photo from

One of the similarities between the meat diet and vegan diet is both of them can contribute something healthy to our body. The American Cancer Society of New York suggests that each of your meal must be two thirds plant based: fruits, vegetables, beans, or grains. These should be served at your breakfast, lunch, and dinner. The other one third should be meat.

However, there are clearly many differences on which is the better diet. Vegetarian diet is rich in carbohydrates, polyunsaturated fatty acids, dietary fiber, carotenoids folic, and vitamin C. But, vegetarian people lack vitamins B12 and B6 for only it can be found in animal derived sources. According to the American Dietetic Association, one of the pros of meat is that, it is the best source of protein, which the body needs to function optimally. The bad side of having a meat diet is that meat has high levels of saturated fat and can potentially raise cholesterol. On the other hand, the American Diet Association recognizes that plant — based eating as not only nutriotionally sufficient, but a healthy option even if you have diabetes.

In conclusion, both of meat diet and vegan diet have their own pros and cons. Both of them can benefit our body to keep us healthy and fit. Most experts advise to have balanced diet meat and vegetables in our daily meal. As time passes by, every meal hss increased its nutrients that will help our body grow. Just know how to balance meat and vegetables in your diet and your body will be away from any harm.


Kerr, G., & Corleone, J. (February 13, 2019). Statistics of Vegetarians Vs. Meat-Eaters.

Freedman, L., & Frechman R. American Dietetic Association, All meat Vs Vegetarian Diets.

Ying, TNP, F.J. (November 1, 2017). Going Vegan Vs. Eating Meat: Which is Really Healthier.

Blank, C. Healthy Eating: Meat Vs. Vegetables.

