Are We in the Dark about Light?

Gibson Berry
21 min readMay 27, 2024


The greatest threat could be that since we are hackable, then we are hacked. The earth could be a Trojan horse inside a hypothetical, undetected, electromagnetic Dyson Sphere.

But, while we are looking up for arrivals, our experts are saying “they’re here,” except, “extra-terrestrial” is deemed by the independent team, a hypothesis of last-resort. They asked for a trillion dollars and another 25 years before full disclosure.

There is a strong suggestion this so-called threat hasn’t been successfully surveilling the globe, using often reported mind-control, projecting touchable images, or anything like that. We are trusting this UFO, that can out-fly us has no other advanced abilities, and is like a robot from, not us, China or Russia, with limited instructions. Since they are acknowledged, then acting like they aren’t and that UAP’s are still a fringe topic should be over.

So why are there still fundamental unanswered questions? How can there be trust when in that same revelation there are decades of furious distrust? Why isn’t there a show called “Modern Aliens”?

Locking the doors is theoretically, old-fashioned for an entity that advanced the use of light and wireless energy, when the rest of the world was intentionally stalled at the first invention of fire and greed. We don’t know for sure but we can take an educated guess and prepare accordingly.

Edison’s incandescent light bulb is now illegal. Even the best weren’t always the brightest and the public, is still strung out. Past presidents say we are hooked on oil and combustion. Now we can include copper, lithium, TNT and anything but progress. It appears the invention of the wheel is stalled at machine powered, one step away from where it began with muscle. How far have we advanced light? Are we still in the dark?

Represents Lord Kelvin’s “reduced” area of the region;(2) Surface concentric with the earth such that the quantities stored over it and under it are equal; (3) Building on a site of excessive electrostatic charge density; (4) Building on a site of low electrostatic charge density.t

Nikola Tesla who also asserted speculative errors, corrected Ben Franklin about lightning and was heading in the right direction with an earth-powered globe of electromagnetic energy. He knew nuclear, solar, hydro, steam all have downsides when water is scarce. He correctly demonstrated: evergreen, wireless energy concepts with 19th-century technology, in Colorado Springs. But his discovery in the West he called a “great and profound truth” has yet to be acknowledged, identified or celebrated.

Tesla’s Magnifying Transmitter as part of the “Art”

He invented an electromagnetic wheel with no need for fuel or collisions, autonomously propelled by an ability to seamlessly merge with the earth’s natural mechanisms for generating, circulating, storing and utilizing energy. People doubted him, he raised the money and built a proof of concept in 6 months. He thought people would understand that once you connect to the sky, you can be forever liberated from the ground.
Where are we now?

With Apple’s virtual wheel a flop, and EVs a work in progress, the best we can do is an electric lawnmower or self-propelled, petroleum by-product with wheels. It costs about as much as a gas mower and all the gas it needs. Anyone wondering about the future’s best interests?

What if the world never believed Nikola Tesla and fluorescent lights, remote-control, and all the patents reclaimed from Marconi, never came to fruition? The world was enamored with Tesla But many of his discoveries were left to be revealed by time and his enthusiasm.

“There is a difference between progress and technology, progress benefits mankind. Technology does not necessarily do that.” -Nikola Tesla

Some say Tesla must have created the particle beam he theorized known as a “Death-ray” while their own eyes roll. Today we use lasers to cut diamonds with extreme precision and some surgeon’s scalpels have been replaced with light. In a century, could the surgeon or distance to the patient be obsolete?

He said, “My invention requires a large plant, but once it is established it will be possible to destroy anything, men or machines, approaching within a radius of 200 miles. It will, so to speak, provide a wall of power offering an insuperable obstacle against any effective aggression.”

Tesla most importantly, proved wireless technology of this nature is an advancement that precedes the ability to traverse the galaxy in a metal craft like Voyager. Sending troops before remote methods is obsolete. He effectively suggested a wheel spinning so fast, metal ions would be projected at 270,000 miles per hour with unprecedented accuracy. By now, an extraterrestrial user could harnesses physics like a lever to affect or inspect physical properties of the earth sometimes with microscopic precision. How far has that 1930’s tech come along?

Consider our current beliefs of an advanced supposed lost civilization and how they have/haven’t evolved over time. There’s the super-smart humanoid, metal robot or Dyson Sphere that breaks down— a theoretical limit for aliens that started as a legless petroglyph. Or the nerfed, static worldview of meager-minded, hunter-gatherers who were born to slowly progress the moccasin and hunting. Somehow we did. People were fine without steam engines two thousand years before and after Jesus. It would have been a tough sell with the tracks and investment in unimaginable amounts of molten metal.

What the Military is willing to share, today’s tech with 1930’s retro look

In the same way, we haven’t conceptualized wirelessness from terrestrial machines because it was discredited while the fossil-fuel alternative is still being bolstered. Have you ever been the popular employee with an idea that solves so many problems your manager is bound to approve it, but doesn’t and you become unpopular? So there is a problem at our feet and the solution, 124 years behind us. To move forward we must go back. Why? The thirsty stop-gaps and alternatives like earth-wrecking electric cars aren’t part of his original conception. He said,

“I am writing to some influential friends in England hoping that my plan will be adopted without delay. The Russians are very anxious to render their borders safe against Japanese invasion and I have made them a proposal which is being seriously considered”-Tesla in 1934 to JP Morgan.

Nikola Tesla spoke through his inventions and he said he was satisfied with his experiment in the west. Still he doesn’t get credit for his anthropological discovery. He quietly proved, the design for the Great Pyramid was intentionally embedded in the Rocky Mountains as a power station, before it was a functional replica for funerary purposes oriented to the Nile River.

He unquestionably suggested something else was/is here. The mathematics proven before anyone alive is also beyond me. Too fantastic for some Tesla researchers to even consider. Yet, something industrial and intelligent somehow, artificially used geometry, the earth and particularly Pikes Peak as something like a power station.

Irrefutable Geometry Corresponding With Science and the Military

If you are looking for an unidentified anomalous phenomenon that is not a blurry photo and can be measured, tested and scrutinized for a century, here it is. His work is explicit and mistakes are rare. Most people would not bet against him, yet we have him in our rear-view mirror; a flag against the covert Dyson Sphere notion.

He plugged in to the El Paso Electric Company for his “solid-state” apparatus but suggested the mountain range would have been tapped for its piezoelectric equivalent electricity when water was historically abundant. He may not have said those words but his art did. He may have had a speculative, flawed model of sub-atomic physics sometimes but he still delivered definitive results in the areas of his focus and expertise.

Tesla’s Experimental Station — Knob Hill, Colorado Springs.

It is an un-celebrated but proven fact, the geometry of the Great Pyramid is found long before Giza in the Rocky Mountains and other ranges worldwide. It is an absolute truth of nature expressed meticulously by a scientist who has arguably contributed more to progress and the technology used today than any other force-multiplier.

Progress should be hyper-focused on electromagnetic field energy that surpasses and supersedes nearly all advantages of kinetic nuts and bolts, gas and oil.

The twentieth century should have been all about a planned, green expansion for the next generations. We opted for junk food and cancer. We bought an improvised, proprietary method that like the American Dream has all but run dry. So what is the point? This is a call to action. Turn around!

Conventional wisdom only allows for a limited understanding of how forces created extraordinary earthworks beyond the accepted anthropological record. NASA says guess what, there is something? Now there is even less evidence for a weak, work-around narrative and a chance to investigate new evidence and nothing changes. There is possibly more empirical evidence for the precision of a laser type, wireless-energy tool than the commonly deduced set, supposedly available to mankind. Tool marks for example like groves from turning could have been produced in alternate ways.

Is sound or Cymatics sometimes used to create crop circles?

Tesla is likely right and we collectively, are wrong enough that it has changed our trajectory 180 degrees toward the dead-end he predicted. We missed a key turn in history, it’s our root problem now and in the future. To progress forward we have to go back. If you are not with Nikola Tesla, you are against him. He’d argue you are betting against yourself. So far, facts say he is dead-on.

It may not all be entirely man made, but mankind has certainly hastened the blow. People’s equity in a home should make them feel secure, but a government with equity can’t keep asking for money. We have to keep buying the cup ever time we want a drink. Collectively, since doctors used to promote cigarettes, we haven’t progressed past the American Dream of a pack-a-day smoker.

The Problem — When you assume you make an ass of you and me.

NASA does really say we are sharing the resources of the cosmos with something phenomenal and unexplained. Whistleblower Lou Elizondo says we have recovered physical proof. Modern physics is not allowing for it to be extra-terrestrial. Yet, while the long list of civilian reports is growing daily since the cold war began, coincidentally with Roswell, the military and classified sector of the government is admitting to acting in “Bad Faith” with the public. The result is we don’t know and people aren’t as willing to trust the US government so easily. If something else is here, there would be an archaeological record and it appears there is not. So the revelation falls on an already blind and deaf industry.

Archaeologists like Julian Steward find evidence in 1937 and it vanishes. Warning signs that were managed. Lou Elizondo and whistleblowers like him resign to protest the egregious misconduct of pubic servants who he says have recovered remains of something extraordinary yet to be publicly identified.

From the ashes rises a dichotomy of the classically educated vs the self-educated or archaeologists vs theorists. While the Clovis point theories are now worn to a nub, the debate sets some limits. Theorist’s anthropomorphized supposition of extra-terrestrial entities shares the upper-limits of the current human tech. i.e. UFOs somehow had to be piloted with combustion engines, until artificial intelligence and drones. The problem is, scientifically we only have a record for primitive hunter-gatherers and space-travel from another reasonable place is simply not mathematically, physically or even gastronomically possible.

The robust cases for both sides strongly buttress each other like an A frame. They aren’t wrong, just will never be right, especially if they are already fooled. They are intertwined and if one side fails, so too does the other.

Claims need to withstand the rigor of Nikola Tesla who laid options our feet and without words, he spoke them through invention and the nature of his discoveries. If you are not with him you are against him. Why would anyone bet humanity against his proven, and public visions, inventions and masterpieces of art.

Just about anyone can spot the laughable ‘red flags’ to making any amount of energy available to anyone. Super-powers extrapolated from his clever designs also are available to anyone, including not China or Russia. Where are we now on that particular aspect? Clipping about a trillion a year? There are so many metaphors for “doing things right” and the consequences for work-arounds, please imagine your favorite shop teacher and his missing finger story.

FAKE GRASS — Petroleum by-products never looked so good

Tesla’s solution, mocked by most modern engineers, is our 124 year-old problem. Like a missed freeway exit there are few other paths. He also vehemently warned the public about resourcing fossil-fuels, with a scientific prediction of the effects we are currently managing as immediate problems. People don’t get that he demonstrated a machine that uses a small amount of energy to bait and capture lightning with a spark gap between the earth and sky. People who say his design is flawed are uniformed. There is liberation once the art is connected to the ionosphere and focused on a point that could vaporize a person, as intended in a Sarcophagus.

Tesla explicitly presented a detailed energy solution and it was hollowed out with dynamite to become another military base for a 10 trillion dollar problem. He died poor and discredited. People think that box is checked. It is not. People still try to discredit him and call him names while simultaneously using his inventions.
Famed television astronomer Carl Sagan, argued there was no scientific reason to spend one trillion dollars on one possible mutual-destruction scenario, when the same strategy is not used for mitigating measurably-assured global warming. He said,

“Remote contingencies, …it’s classic military thinking, you prepare for the worst case…why doesn’t that same argument apply to global warming?” — Carl Sagan 1990

Carl Sagan and the Viking Spacecraft

“For me, it is far better to grasp the Universe as it really is than to persist in delusion, however satisfying and reassuring.”

Tactically with our heads forced in the sand, an adversary like China could be using the energy of the cosmos to wirelessly control parts of the earth. The planet could be a cog in the machinery. From a butterfly’s wings to melting glaciers, with low-hanging 1899 tech we could conservatively suppose the UAP that NASA says is with us today, could easily understand, read, decipher or even trick human thoughts, vision and radar with wireless energy exploits.

People, even schoolchildren would authentically report similar accounts of UFOs and clairvoyance. It would serve as a powerful weapon aimed at human brains particularly since we pretend the ability doesn’t exist while decoding all other electric signals as a fundamental part of modern technology. Would this be enough probable cause for Sagan, Tesla and the military to get on the same page?

“The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence.” Nikola Tesla

Whether Nikola Tesla ever said these or any other words it is true and was his proof-of-concepts that spoke volumes. We need it summed up. His centripetal flow turbines for example spin from natural forces without blades. He hit targets that may never have been identified. His legacy remains and even the most vague coincidences with the Great Pyramid are unlikely to be mistakes. He supposedly didn’t mention key scientific concepts like pi or the golden ratio but managed to exploit them. Ironically, people think one sentence by a man named John Trump can sum him up but it is sealing their own fate. Does it matter if Trump really said this?

Tesla’s “thoughts and efforts during at least the past 15 years were primarily of a speculative, philosophical, and somewhat promotional character,” but “did not include new, sound, workable principles or methods for realizing such results.”

In a world that is enveloped in an ether, or sphere, anything living, or not, could be inspected to the smallest degree and infected with a strategy. First, take or leave Trump’s assessment, wireless tech trumps them all including circuitry and has possible uses once thought by most to be impossible. Second, inversely, one of the only reasons left to warrant the trip across the galaxy in a physical craft would be for access to physical resources like water or low-hanging fruit. Intelligence will make intelligent decisions.

What sounds like science-fiction is the current consensus that only accepts stratified proof of ephemeral artifacts from hunter-gatherers climbing the survival ladder to become pyramid builders and shape the earth with bones and muscle. Like a Rubik’s Cube that has to be solved perfectly before it will be accepted into the pantheon of modern archaeology. The path for any further consideration of a discovery or explanation narrows to that one esoteric possibility. Greed rules the rest out like the compelling Clovis tip of a spear.

Famed Archaeologist Jessie Jennings showing our progress with tobacco in the laboratory

Recently the American Society for Archaeologists tried to ruthlessly defame a “lost civilization” theorist, Graham Hancock and will never recover from the failure. They tied him to sickening racist ideologies and outright, apparent accusations about Hancock’s work, claims, methods and statements he easily refuted in an open response. It stands as testimony to the arrogance of an entire industry that attempted to abuse the first amendment to rescue their faulty, Rube Goldberg logic for human history.

They tried to shut down his show on Netflix and band together as a supposed group representing all archaeologists. A real modern-day book burning that gathered everyone into one place to collectively crash and burn. They showed the world the mechanism they use against someone who is politely and at his own expense, asking experts for a closer look. A rational, amicable debate was tried on a popular podcast and the archaeologists headed by Dr. William Flint Dibble and his dusty Indian Jones hat, are now in ruins.

Flint Dibble v Graham Hancock on Joe Rogan —

Flint Dibble and his eager colleagues made what looks like intentionally false, defamatory statements about Graham Hancock and his show on Netflix. Their letter was malicious because it sought to scorch the earth of Mr. Hancock’s work and programming without regard to any one claim, or opportunity for a retraction. It is illegal public humiliation. The United States is founded on principles directly opposed to those Neanderthal tactics. NASA notified scientists and archaeologists didn’t budge or acknowledge the statement whatsoever. It is a tipping point in American History everyone should witness because it is like seeing a single man lift a megalithic stone and set it neatly in its place.

It is simply check-mate. The easiest answer is the answer. Our scientists observe reflected light and energy waves from far away places. One of our machines we thought was lost, Voyager 1, just phoned home from 15 billion miles away. Light and machines come before flesh, so when you grapple with the logistics and NASA’s revelation there is an entity among us, even if it is us, it could use remote, artificial energy to surreptitiously shape the earth. So why aren’t affected industries like archaeology re-tooling?

Our highest achievement of an autonomous robot envisioned by Nikola Tesla, the Roomba for the “lazy person”

Flint Dibble can’t go back to work and ever say Graham Hancock is slightly right. Can’t even ask his colleagues to take a quick look at episode one without losing his livelihood, friends and mailbox filling up from colleagues the next day. We are stalled where old money wants to keep profits a one-way street. Unfortunately, the state of the economy and everyday facts are burning it down. The system is unsustainable and we are working without a net. It is an increasing sign of needing to turn back to look for another path forward.

Theorists and archeologist clash about the origins, purpose or even builders of places world-wide. Both are sometimes pushing “trust me bro”, unscientific theories; essentially immeasurable name-calling. Even the term “First Peoples” presumes we have checked all the boxes when in fact, one quick example on the Great Salt Lake shoreline, Black Rock Cave, is a 315 foot rectangle corridor that says we have not. The key site was open to anyone before/after one of the first legitimate studies published by the Smithsonian in 1937.

Julian Steward found remains consistent with people after the ice age but also remains under them presumably submerged under Lake Bonneville. He said a proper excavation needed to happen and it never did. The Utah State Archaeologist questioned this one aspect of my research and had to ask me for the Smithsonian source. His whole career is based on that box being checked, but he didn’t resign the next day.

The mysteries of the lake bottom, in a place like Eardley’s Spit, that sits in east-west alignment with black Rock Cave, Deadman Cave and two others west, are now just feet from taking a closer look, but we don’t. The bottom of the primordial bowl of soup with preserved specimens of life before us and that lake is the most abused and neglected spot in Utah. Just visit the state park to see how much Utah cares about the lake and United Kingdom’s mine. There is no conspiracy, greed simply won again. How do you explain the cancer rates and the smokestack to indigenous people who perfected the moccasin here?

Beyond the ephemeral records are people being conquered repeatedly for occupying the geometry and orthogonal places where the earth has been terraformed to meet the needs of an unknown entity. It is in opposition to fossil fuels so there is no spotlight and even if you are the greatest scientist to ever live, you aren’t allowed to point it out because of pure greed. Teslas lasting contributions are ubiquitous as solutions, except one, wireless energy. It is either not Teslas best work, or it is happening and light did indeed progress and it is just that the general public is still in the dark.

The Solution
Part of the solution is getting on the same page with empirical evidence supporting factual claims. There is nothing extraordinary about it. Until that happens, we might as well be tricked to move one way or another. If we are going to make assumptions they might as well be that we are again, hackable and therefore hacked.

All we can do is act as if. So, calling an occupation a few thousand years ago “First Peoples” on a 4.5 billion year old piece of older starlight is absurd when there is probable cause for a more investigative look. We all want to know, we thoroughly know the truth. We think the truth is a unified quest but it is money that is rumbling under the hood and it needs to change.
Just as we accept the ubiquity of cameras always capturing our image with 1816 tech, wither perhaps even sound, something is taking advantage of a more advanced, similar tech that is not limited on what data it can exploit. We act as if our online activities are always watched and monitored. There doesn’t need to be peer-reviews papers or twenty seasons on the History Chanel to make room for probable cause. The solution is laid at our feet where Nikola Tesla politely left it.

Pretending Tesla didn’t call this all out is effectively over. John Trump’s statements about him may ring true but obfuscate a gift of technology the genuinely honest visionary left humanity as his legacy that has been largely ignored.

The solution is simply accepting that the father and designer of electricity all around us was right and money from select industries set to profit otherwise, have aggressively asserted their financial interests ahead of any man, woman or child from any generation to come. We are dependent exactly like a pack-a-day smoker and the only solution is to immediately quit and turn 180 degrees toward never smoking again. They told you if you challenge your lungs they would grow stronger, they were wrong. (Great respect for smokers, even George Washington was a tobacco farmer.)
Real Solutions, real results! Tesla wrote the ultimate peer-reviewed papers.

His illustrations printed with mathematics, schematics and descriptions are beyond modern experts or most academic professors. Sometimes he would render a proof-of-concept after testing an intellectual model. In about 6 months he assembled the solution to our problems of today. He captured green-lightning.

If you are not a fan of Nikola Tesla then by default you instead support a hodgepodge narrative that has made so many key assessments based on deductively reasoned evidence and techniques the two aren’t comparable. If there is a line between opinion and fact someone is digging it up. Deregulation is destroying, contaminating and scorching the flora and fauna of today. Flint surrendered by saying he was just an underfunded plant and seed guy. He should Roundup all his colleagues, play a game where they can only watch NETFLIX in their Land Cruisers at red lights next to other idling vehicles and see who can get through the whole season of Graham Hancock’s show first.

Otherwise, diehards can wait their whole career for the discovery of a tool or flying-saucer that proves an entire method of construction, but primitive man always gets light, then the wheel. Light was progressing ever since until it was darkened by the opaque plumes of industrial smoke. Mankind progresses or regresses and there is a record toward advancement or the ruins of a lead zeppelin. We don’t doubt the wheel would have been used first, before pulleys and screws. Tesla proved the progression of wireless technology before Star Trek and remains irrefutable by modern physics. Get on the same page, your resistance is futile.

If you can drive you are not going to walk, and if there is a hard limitation of physical objects navigating space, then advanced energy theoretically returns better data. How are we not on the same page? The truth will always be the ultimate solution. It stands on its own. It is only a problem because some aren’t going to give up their sacred investment in a lie. When archaeologists were unable to tip over Graham Hancock, with their tireless community assault against him and his Tesla-like, proof-of-concept work, at 72 he is turning late adopters all on their backs like turtles who won’t get back on their feet.

Video from last year when Graham Hancock fought with archaeologists.

It is a simple solution. Just as a telescope is a more practical method to see further than a walk or drive, there can be no doubt left about the ability that we see in the news, of an extraterrestrial being should one ever be discovered. We may never be robbed, may not even know the crime statistics but still lock the door.

If an unidentified anomalous phenomena has the tech to fly past extraordinary physical limitations to earth they would have it to stay home and have more practical control from afar. If unknown ships are here, NASA says there are, then the likely early reconnaissance measures of the outsiders are also here recording every minuscule change globally. One composite timeline permanently stored for further examination of any part at any time.

Instead, it is like we have a scientific majority that thinks all the people in a movie are real. They have a reel case. They think, like a pet bird thinks his reflection, anywhere he sees it, is another bird. If you consider all the available evidence, it absolutely has to be! We know the other-bird-movie theory falls short but he is lonely, so we let him succumb to confirmation bias. Recognizing that fact is the first step toward a solution.

Similarly, if a discovery doesn’t follow the plot of the accepted narrative, it can’t be systemically ruled out by money. Archaeologist aren’t wrong they just will never be completely Rubik’s cube right. Some industries look like a bird trying to feed its reflection, coprolite. We are heading toward a solution just respectfully waiting for everyone to get on the same perch.

Like medicine, car-repair, journalism and every-day life, facts are supported with evidence not questionable strings of deductions that are along the way. Theories have to work universally and thoroughly to explain the phenomena. E.T. energy is the simple explanation; the wheel of tomorrow to the nth degree. No one person is taking credit, we don’t have courtroom evidence, Tesla never mentioned it and here it is, the wheel. Intelligence by definition will make intelligent choices but if it doesn’t, the choices remain as facts that are part of a block-chain of old to new light. Meaning today’s sunlight is tomorrow’s limestone.

Embrace the solution. It does us all a disservice to be passive because every day that passes with that exit in our rear-view 124 years ago, is that same day back. Probable cause is probable cause for investigation even if Clovis People or some theory about a river flowing one way or another needs another look. No one has to be wrong we just need to get the truth part right.

Questioning and critical thinking is what paved the way and bushwhacked things to a stop-gap theory. Vicious attempts to defame and cause as much damage as possible to Graham Hancock by the Society for American Archaeology completely failed. The U turn is happening, just not fast enough.

It shows us what that industry and others like it have become. We are only as strong as our weakest link and right now, that link could be our money still focused on turning the wheel instead of turning it around.


